Fairly easy to assemble, although a couple of items were mislabeled in the instructions, but once I realized that everything went smoothly. The drawer assembly arrived completely assembled so that was nice. Drawers slide easily and have large compacity. Headboard was also preassembled. Seems sturdy. Doesnt make any noise. Love Love the color! Every piece is real wood.
Its a good bed easy to assemble but the drawers kinda poke out a bit which u see in photo which is driving me nuts its not a big deal though other wise its a good product
The assembly was so easy...I kept thinking, this cant be this easy! It took my 13 year old son and I about 40 minutes to assemble it (with my 4 year old interrupting every few minutes). It helps that most of the parts, including the headboard, footboard, sides, and storage/drawers all came pre-assembled! The bed is very sturdy and isnt noisy at all. My 13 year old is a big kid (55 tall 130lbs), and he fit on it well. We used a 12 mattress and it was just perfect (dont buy any larger than that, 10 would probably be better). We are very happy with this purchase!
I found the bed to be very easy to put together. Im a beginner in carpentry and thought I would have to use my drill, but a Philips screwdriver did the trick along with the Allen wrench that was provided. I just finished and it took me about three hours doing most of it myself with a little assist for lifting pieces. Everything was pre-drilled perfectly. The instructions were very clear. The only issue was that the parts were mislabeled. However, it was easy enough to see which pieces were mislabeled.
First, the instructions are mislabeled almost comically. Items that are labeled A are actually C or K in the package, all through out the assembly instructions. You basically have to just try to match parts to the pictures and figure it out. Some holes are not preformed - YOU NEED A POWER DRILL or you will not get this done. Youll never get these little screws into solid wood with a screwdriver by hand. Second its misleading at best to say any part of this is made in America. Made in Vietnam is all over the packaging. I dont know what portion is done in the US but to get the whole thing from Vietnam and then put a finishing touch on it in America doesnt mean made in America to me. It took my husband and I about an hour or an hour and a half to put together again with a power drill.
This bed is beautifully built right down to the smallest detail. It was easy to put together by following the diagram, and everything fit perfectly. It was built in Viet Nam by real craftsmen with beautiful wood. I am very happy I chose to buy it.
Purchased for my granddaughter and she loves it. The storage space is a great bonus. Only issue was one piece didnt have hole drilled and another was damaged. Called support and two pieces were shipped within a couple of days.
Well made
Fairly easy to assemble, although a couple of items were mislabeled in the instructions, but once I realized that everything went smoothly. The drawer assembly arrived completely assembled so that was nice. Drawers slide easily and have large compacity. Headboard was also preassembled. Seems sturdy. Doesnt make any noise. Love Love the color! Every piece is real wood.
Sturdy good bed
Its a good bed easy to assemble but the drawers kinda poke out a bit which u see in photo which is driving me nuts its not a big deal though other wise its a good product
Easy assembly and very sturdy!
The assembly was so easy...I kept thinking, this cant be this easy! It took my 13 year old son and I about 40 minutes to assemble it (with my 4 year old interrupting every few minutes). It helps that most of the parts, including the headboard, footboard, sides, and storage/drawers all came pre-assembled! The bed is very sturdy and isnt noisy at all. My 13 year old is a big kid (55 tall 130lbs), and he fit on it well. We used a 12 mattress and it was just perfect (dont buy any larger than that, 10 would probably be better). We are very happy with this purchase!
Nice looking bed!
I found the bed to be very easy to put together. Im a beginner in carpentry and thought I would have to use my drill, but a Philips screwdriver did the trick along with the Allen wrench that was provided. I just finished and it took me about three hours doing most of it myself with a little assist for lifting pieces. Everything was pre-drilled perfectly. The instructions were very clear. The only issue was that the parts were mislabeled. However, it was easy enough to see which pieces were mislabeled.
Looks like alot of storage but not really
Love it wish storage was a little bit more so comfort!
You need a power drill
First, the instructions are mislabeled almost comically. Items that are labeled A are actually C or K in the package, all through out the assembly instructions. You basically have to just try to match parts to the pictures and figure it out. Some holes are not preformed - YOU NEED A POWER DRILL or you will not get this done. Youll never get these little screws into solid wood with a screwdriver by hand. Second its misleading at best to say any part of this is made in America. Made in Vietnam is all over the packaging. I dont know what portion is done in the US but to get the whole thing from Vietnam and then put a finishing touch on it in America doesnt mean made in America to me. It took my husband and I about an hour or an hour and a half to put together again with a power drill.
Its worth the money
All i can say is it was worth the money. Very easy to put together. ez to install!
Good quality, nice storage options
Excellent delivery experience! Easy to put together Perfect for mom in board and care for additional storage space solution
I think this is a great bed.
This bed is beautifully built right down to the smallest detail. It was easy to put together by following the diagram, and everything fit perfectly. It was built in Viet Nam by real craftsmen with beautiful wood. I am very happy I chose to buy it.
Sleeping soundly
Purchased for my granddaughter and she loves it. The storage space is a great bonus. Only issue was one piece didnt have hole drilled and another was damaged. Called support and two pieces were shipped within a couple of days.
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