I found the bed to be very easy to put together. Im a beginner in carpentry and thought I would have to use my drill, but a Philips screwdriver did the trick along with the Allen wrench that was provided. I just finished and it took me about three hours doing most of it myself with a little assist for lifting pieces. Everything was pre-drilled perfectly. The instructions were very clear. The only issue was that the parts were mislabeled. However, it was easy enough to see which pieces were mislabeled.
Nice looking bed!
I found the bed to be very easy to put together. Im a beginner in carpentry and thought I would have to use my drill, but a Philips screwdriver did the trick along with the Allen wrench that was provided. I just finished and it took me about three hours doing most of it myself with a little assist for lifting pieces. Everything was pre-drilled perfectly. The instructions were very clear. The only issue was that the parts were mislabeled. However, it was easy enough to see which pieces were mislabeled.