My product arrived as scheduled. Assembly was so simple I was able to do it alone. This sits two medium sized adults. Its sturdy enough for me. Its also perfect for my small space. I recommend.
This love seat was very easy to put together... I did it by myself in less than 10 minutes once I had all the pieces out in front of me. It seems very sturdy, but only time will tell for sure. I can say that my husband and I (both 59 and 200+lbs each) sat on it together, and it held up well, and was comfortable. The seat and back cushions are perfect... not too stiff, not too squishy. The seat and arm rests are at comfortable heights. The seats depth is good too. The color is as advertised- ruby red- However, the color looks a bit darker in my room when looking at it. The photos make it look brighter than it looks to my naked eye. The fabric seems like it will hold up well. It arrived via UPS one day later than expected due to excessive rain in my area. I wasnt mad about that. Overall, I am really happy with this purchase! It seems to be a great quality for the price, so far (only 1 day)!
This is a very cute love seat. I probably should have bought a bigger size but it looks great and compliments my living room space.
I am going to purchase the matching sofa later on.
Just what I wanted.
My product arrived as scheduled. Assembly was so simple I was able to do it alone. This sits two medium sized adults. Its sturdy enough for me. Its also perfect for my small space. I recommend.
Love the color. Fit up my tiny stairs. And very easy to assemble. I love it fits perfecty
I love this in my livingroom. The UPS man helped me and carried It into my house so helpful. Great buy for the cost!
Nice, sturdy love seat
This love seat was very easy to put together... I did it by myself in less than 10 minutes once I had all the pieces out in front of me. It seems very sturdy, but only time will tell for sure. I can say that my husband and I (both 59 and 200+lbs each) sat on it together, and it held up well, and was comfortable. The seat and back cushions are perfect... not too stiff, not too squishy. The seat and arm rests are at comfortable heights. The seats depth is good too. The color is as advertised- ruby red- However, the color looks a bit darker in my room when looking at it. The photos make it look brighter than it looks to my naked eye. The fabric seems like it will hold up well. It arrived via UPS one day later than expected due to excessive rain in my area. I wasnt mad about that. Overall, I am really happy with this purchase! It seems to be a great quality for the price, so far (only 1 day)!
Love this little compact couch.
Purchased it for our Den/Office and we love the deep red wine color. It goes perfectly with our decor. Its also comfy!
Probably sturdy
Im afraid to move too much on this sofa only because of how easy it was to assemble. It seems sturdy enough. Fits perfectly
Little red couch?
This is a very cute love seat. I probably should have bought a bigger size but it looks great and compliments my living room space. I am going to purchase the matching sofa later on.
No Thumbs up
Comfort and the right price
This is my livingroom sofa,a family member put it together for me I have really enjoyed it. Love it thanks!
Perfect loveseat for a smaller living room.
I love the color, size, price and its comfortable. It was what I needed and a good deal
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