This is exactly what I was looking for! It is a small piece, fit perfect in the nook I wanted it for. The color is perfect and it was truly super easy to put together. It may have taken me all of 10 minutes to assemble it including removing from shipping box. Highly recommend.
I ordered this to go in my small office room. It is a good length, but the height is very short (my fault for not considering the height in the specs online). Looks a bit odd with the other furniture that is in there. That said, for the price, it is a great buy. The red color is really pretty. It only took a few minutes to put it together.
This loveseat was just what I was looking for. The seat is comfortable, I like it. It was simple to put together. The price was amazing. This is going in a room that will have occasional use but I would recommend the loveseat to anyone. It is a nice piece of furniture, especially for the price and would be perfect for staging a room as well. Very pleased with my purchase.
I wanted something smaller and comfortable for my sitting room. I thought I would try this as the price was right. It was easy to assemble with one person, although two would be a bit better. It is comfortable, the fabric is nice and I like the color. I would buy it again if I needed to. Im actually considering the full sofa version now.
Handsome sofa for the price, great for small apts, and smaller built people, especially those who prefer not to sink into soft deep seats. Rich red color too. Dont know how it will hold up over time, especially since there is no additional support down the middle of the sofa. If it lasts at least 4-5 years of reasonably moderate use, then itll be worth the price I paid.
Got this for my mid century bonus room. Very firm, but still comfy. Easy to assemble. The seat is a bit shallow for my long legs so I kind of hang off by a few more inches than desired. But luckily Im not the sitting type. Im 58 and can lay down on this quite comfortably. Ive taken many a nap on this sofa in the 5 months that Ive had it. The material is just what youd want it to be.
It was so easy to put together and its adorable for my studio apartment
It was so easy to put together and its adorable for my studio apartment Very comfortable.
This is exactly what I was looking for! It is a small piece, fit perfect in the nook I wanted it for. The color is perfect and it was truly super easy to put together. It may have taken me all of 10 minutes to assemble it including removing from shipping box. Highly recommend.
Cute but not as tall/high as regular loveseats
I ordered this to go in my small office room. It is a good length, but the height is very short (my fault for not considering the height in the specs online). Looks a bit odd with the other furniture that is in there. That said, for the price, it is a great buy. The red color is really pretty. It only took a few minutes to put it together.
So happy to find this loveseat
This loveseat was just what I was looking for. The seat is comfortable, I like it. It was simple to put together. The price was amazing. This is going in a room that will have occasional use but I would recommend the loveseat to anyone. It is a nice piece of furniture, especially for the price and would be perfect for staging a room as well. Very pleased with my purchase.
Perfect for my sitting room
I wanted something smaller and comfortable for my sitting room. I thought I would try this as the price was right. It was easy to assemble with one person, although two would be a bit better. It is comfortable, the fabric is nice and I like the color. I would buy it again if I needed to. Im actually considering the full sofa version now.
not bad but i would expect better for the price
not bad but i would expect better for the price, not very comfortable it should be softer to seat Pretty and inexpensive
Great value.
Great piece for the price. The seat are is smaller than what I would like, but overall very good. Quality is excellent.
Smart, small, and sweet
Handsome sofa for the price, great for small apts, and smaller built people, especially those who prefer not to sink into soft deep seats. Rich red color too. Dont know how it will hold up over time, especially since there is no additional support down the middle of the sofa. If it lasts at least 4-5 years of reasonably moderate use, then itll be worth the price I paid.
I love this little couch
See all 5 stars for a reason. Great price/ value. Im trying to find room for another one Nice mid century look
Good for the price!
Got this for my mid century bonus room. Very firm, but still comfy. Easy to assemble. The seat is a bit shallow for my long legs so I kind of hang off by a few more inches than desired. But luckily Im not the sitting type. Im 58 and can lay down on this quite comfortably. Ive taken many a nap on this sofa in the 5 months that Ive had it. The material is just what youd want it to be.
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