My daughter really wanted this and loves it, but its really large in a room so check the dimensions first. Assembly is a pain especially in a room that doesnt have much room around the bed. Keep your drill charged! Its reasonably sturdy for kids but I wont be moving around in it much for sure. Easy to assemble
This took about 3 hours to assemble with one person. It really is sturdy, they dont cut corners with assembly. My kids love it and have made a fort underneath it.
A couple of complaints- the mattresses do not completely fill out the bed, so there are spaces around the edges where stuffed animals or whatever else could fall. Also the slide is surprisingly steep. I had to put a pillow at the bottom underneath it so my 3 and 5 year old wouldnt crash into the floor. They did get the hang of it quickly but it is something to be weary of. Overall this is a great bed, good for younger kids close in age or twins Excellent customer service
I bought this bed for my three daughters. We love it! Its very Sturdy and easy to put together. Thee only downside to this is the space to get into the bottom bunk is pretty low. Other than that we love it! And would definitely recommend. Perfect for what we needed
This bed was for my grandson who is 2. He absolutely loves it. The only dislike is the corners where the slide ladder is. He has hit his head several times. Bed would be better with some type of padding around frame top. Gorgeous color and design
Its time consuming to put together but not impossible. I was not impressed with the trundle bed pull out. Very flimsy and I would be leary of actually trying to sleep in it.
Followed directions. Be patient as some pictures take time to orientate the part. The ladder was not cut correctly and I needed to trim off the area to fit. Once did this fit was good. I did it with a small trim hand saw. Some of the pilot holes were not deep enough and some were too deep. Take your time and you will have a great assembled unit.
Make sure you have a second pair of hands. Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room!
Check the dimensions
My daughter really wanted this and loves it, but its really large in a room so check the dimensions first. Assembly is a pain especially in a room that doesnt have much room around the bed. Keep your drill charged! Its reasonably sturdy for kids but I wont be moving around in it much for sure. Easy to assemble
Looks great, serves its purpose!
Looks great, serves its purpose! Easy to put together, comfy and just as easy to disassemble when moving
My kids love this, not awful to assemble
This took about 3 hours to assemble with one person. It really is sturdy, they dont cut corners with assembly. My kids love it and have made a fort underneath it. A couple of complaints- the mattresses do not completely fill out the bed, so there are spaces around the edges where stuffed animals or whatever else could fall. Also the slide is surprisingly steep. I had to put a pillow at the bottom underneath it so my 3 and 5 year old wouldnt crash into the floor. They did get the hang of it quickly but it is something to be weary of. Overall this is a great bed, good for younger kids close in age or twins Excellent customer service
Great buy!
I bought this bed for my three daughters. We love it! Its very Sturdy and easy to put together. Thee only downside to this is the space to get into the bottom bunk is pretty low. Other than that we love it! And would definitely recommend. Perfect for what we needed
Top frame
This bed was for my grandson who is 2. He absolutely loves it. The only dislike is the corners where the slide ladder is. He has hit his head several times. Bed would be better with some type of padding around frame top. Gorgeous color and design
Time consuming to put together
Its time consuming to put together but not impossible. I was not impressed with the trundle bed pull out. Very flimsy and I would be leary of actually trying to sleep in it.
My kids loved it Pretty and inexpensive
Looks adorable.
Love it. Nice quality, easy too assemble, looks nice.
Be prepared
Followed directions. Be patient as some pictures take time to orientate the part. The ladder was not cut correctly and I needed to trim off the area to fit. Once did this fit was good. I did it with a small trim hand saw. Some of the pilot holes were not deep enough and some were too deep. Take your time and you will have a great assembled unit. Make sure you have a second pair of hands. Very easy to assemble, my son and I love it! Fits perfect in our little room!
Just beautiful, great value Great Seller Customer Service!
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