We purchased this because our toddler refused to sleep on her toddler bed so we figured if we purchased her a big bed she may finally leave our room and it worked!! I assembled most of it by myself and Im terrible at assembling things. Very easy to put together. It took me about 3hrs with very little help. Its sturdy enough but not like actual wood bedrooms. For the price though, it gets the job done.
This is a compact bunk bed and its perfect for my young kids. I love that the lower bunk is so low. We did have some trouble with some assembly but figured it out!
Sturdy product
Wasnt too hard to get up / looks great. No complaints.
Buy corner pads with this!
My daughter loves it! However, we did need to buy corner padding because the corners a pretty sharp.
Better den I thought
We love it
Love it!
Twin boys love this bed! I love it because its not too high. Easy assembly.
Love it
We purchased this because our toddler refused to sleep on her toddler bed so we figured if we purchased her a big bed she may finally leave our room and it worked!! I assembled most of it by myself and Im terrible at assembling things. Very easy to put together. It took me about 3hrs with very little help. Its sturdy enough but not like actual wood bedrooms. For the price though, it gets the job done.
Excellent, Stylish and safe
Very stylish and easy to assemble. We really like the railing on the stairs and color
Good purchase!
This is a compact bunk bed and its perfect for my young kids. I love that the lower bunk is so low. We did have some trouble with some assembly but figured it out!
So cute
Awesome bed. It came so fast very happy with this purchase
Great product
Very solid. Grandson loves his tree house bed!
Awesome bunk beds!
My sons 3 and 7 love this bed. Super sturdy. We get lots of compliments on it. Coolest bunk beds ever.
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