For the most part it was easy to assemble a few holes were not drilled enough or were hard to get into, there was a blemish on 2 pieces. Got it up relatively easy though and it looks like the picture. Smaller in person but perfect for my 4 year old she loves it.
Really easy and simple bunk bed! My 2 boys love it and my wife also loves it. Only thing I dislike about it is when you put a full size twin mattress down there is still about a 2 or 3 inch gab on one end other than that its great
This bunk bed took us 4 hours to assemble. The instructions were basically not instructions. We found a few manufacturer defects, a few problems when screwing in items. Once we got it together it was the perfect size and fit for my toddlers (ages 4 and 6). The steps made it a lot easier and safer for my children to get down at night. I do wish we could of move the stairs to the other side, but non the less its a good bunk beds.
I love it I have BOYS lol a 3yr old and a 1yr old and they love their bed the stairs made all my worries go away about them hurting themselves trying to climb a ladder its also so convenient because its very low to the ground so my 1 yr old has no problem climbing into bed at night I highly recommend this bunk bed
Great product
Love this, definitely recommend, very great for the price , and fits very nice in smaller rooms
My boys just love it
Overall not bad, looks just like picture.
For the most part it was easy to assemble a few holes were not drilled enough or were hard to get into, there was a blemish on 2 pieces. Got it up relatively easy though and it looks like the picture. Smaller in person but perfect for my 4 year old she loves it.
These beds are precious . Solid and easy to assemble. We bought two.
Great bunk beds for the price
Really easy and simple bunk bed! My 2 boys love it and my wife also loves it. Only thing I dislike about it is when you put a full size twin mattress down there is still about a 2 or 3 inch gab on one end other than that its great
Great buy for a great price
My toddlers love this bed. The steps are perfect for their small feet and there are so many decor options you could put together.
Great quality
Perfect for my 6 year old and 4 year old
This bunk bed took us 4 hours to assemble. The instructions were basically not instructions. We found a few manufacturer defects, a few problems when screwing in items. Once we got it together it was the perfect size and fit for my toddlers (ages 4 and 6). The steps made it a lot easier and safer for my children to get down at night. I do wish we could of move the stairs to the other side, but non the less its a good bunk beds.
I love it !!!!
I love it I have BOYS lol a 3yr old and a 1yr old and they love their bed the stairs made all my worries go away about them hurting themselves trying to climb a ladder its also so convenient because its very low to the ground so my 1 yr old has no problem climbing into bed at night I highly recommend this bunk bed
6yr above cant sleep on top
For kids
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