I read a lot of comments mentioned the misleading color on the photosi think is something about the fabric, because as soon it arrived i saw the separate parts too blue/greyish but as soon i put all together the color appeared to be warmer. I liked the bed, and the color by the way.
This bed was very easy to assemble. It was done by one person! And one who is usually bad at assembling things! Instructions were easily understood and bed is very sturdy and nice looking for the money
This grey daybed is sturdy with excellent quality. Its beautiful and fits any decor. I highly recommend it and its easy to assemble, you just need patience when assembling. No missing parts. Good quality control.
Bought this for my kid. She loves it and thinks her new couch bed is the coolest thing ever. The pieces do feel a little flimsy, but it doesnt feel wobbly or poorly built once assembled. Very easy to assemble.
I wish this was a dark velvet and not linen but its still beautiful nonetheless. The whole thing is so sturdy and was so well packaged. Ive put together Wayfair frames that cost more and were more confusing and equally as solid. I hope this lasts!
It works for the price, but the side rails are made of two separate pieces. None of the ones that were sent to us look like they came from the same fabric run.
Great bed
I read a lot of comments mentioned the misleading color on the photosi think is something about the fabric, because as soon it arrived i saw the separate parts too blue/greyish but as soon i put all together the color appeared to be warmer. I liked the bed, and the color by the way.
Great bed
This bed was very easy to assemble. It was done by one person! And one who is usually bad at assembling things! Instructions were easily understood and bed is very sturdy and nice looking for the money
Perfect day bed
Looks adorable in office for grand daughters occasional overnights. She loves it. Works well with 11 storage cubes under bed.
Beautiful daybed with great quality.
This grey daybed is sturdy with excellent quality. Its beautiful and fits any decor. I highly recommend it and its easy to assemble, you just need patience when assembling. No missing parts. Good quality control.
Kid loves her new couch bed
Bought this for my kid. She loves it and thinks her new couch bed is the coolest thing ever. The pieces do feel a little flimsy, but it doesnt feel wobbly or poorly built once assembled. Very easy to assemble.
This frame is solid for the price!
I wish this was a dark velvet and not linen but its still beautiful nonetheless. The whole thing is so sturdy and was so well packaged. Ive put together Wayfair frames that cost more and were more confusing and equally as solid. I hope this lasts!
Worth it.
Its of great quality for the price and it looks good too! It also ended up arriving sooner than estimated.
Pieces are not uniform in color
It works for the price, but the side rails are made of two separate pieces. None of the ones that were sent to us look like they came from the same fabric run.
The drawers do not go all the way back.
Beautiful bed, just wish drawers were larger
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