Tedious but super easy to put together. Its very sturdy. This is our second frame since we had to leave the last one. Consistent in looks and weight bearing.
Purchased another daybed but the package was lost. I then saw this bed for cheaper, so I purchased it. I have this bed in my office, since I spend most of my day in there. It is so cute, sturdy, and classy looking. I purchase a 10 mattress. The set up took about 40 mins. Very easy to assemble. I assembled it with my 8 year old. The bed is also fairly high if you would like to put bins underneath.
Love it! Im a 52, 31 year old woman and put this together by myself, it took me about an hour and a half. Super easy. Instructions are awesome. It turned out perfect! Tested with up to 200 pounds on it and so far so good! Absolutely love it!
I dont know why, maybe its just my bed but Im super disappointed by how squeaky it is, Ive had it for 6+ months now and thought it might just be the screw but I cant figure it out. It was easy to put together but its so squeaky, wish I could return it but its past the datetoo bad.
Very easy to assemble. I was able to put together by myself in less than an hour. Very simple to follow instructions and all parts were labeled. I was really pleased with the additional plastic locking pieces to add stability in addition to the middle bar for the mattress to rest on. I have not seen this before in the previous bed I purchased through . Looks very nice, perfect for my spare bedroom. Picture shows a 10 mattress.
Descent bed for the price
A little flemsey , not the type of bed for a teen , great for younger kids
It looks expensive
The convenience of going from a single size to a double size bed it looks
Great bed
Love it
Great Daybed
Bed is very sturdy and as described. Assembles in about an hour.
Great frame
Tedious but super easy to put together. Its very sturdy. This is our second frame since we had to leave the last one. Consistent in looks and weight bearing.
Great buy!
Exactly what I was looking for. I love it! Very Study
Very Classy Day Bed
Purchased another daybed but the package was lost. I then saw this bed for cheaper, so I purchased it. I have this bed in my office, since I spend most of my day in there. It is so cute, sturdy, and classy looking. I purchase a 10 mattress. The set up took about 40 mins. Very easy to assemble. I assembled it with my 8 year old. The bed is also fairly high if you would like to put bins underneath.
Wonderful daybed!
Love it! Im a 52, 31 year old woman and put this together by myself, it took me about an hour and a half. Super easy. Instructions are awesome. It turned out perfect! Tested with up to 200 pounds on it and so far so good! Absolutely love it!
Super squeaky
I dont know why, maybe its just my bed but Im super disappointed by how squeaky it is, Ive had it for 6+ months now and thought it might just be the screw but I cant figure it out. It was easy to put together but its so squeaky, wish I could return it but its past the datetoo bad.
Great bed, easy assembly and seems very sturdy!
Very easy to assemble. I was able to put together by myself in less than an hour. Very simple to follow instructions and all parts were labeled. I was really pleased with the additional plastic locking pieces to add stability in addition to the middle bar for the mattress to rest on. I have not seen this before in the previous bed I purchased through . Looks very nice, perfect for my spare bedroom. Picture shows a 10 mattress.
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