The wheel broke the first time I used it and was not able to move it around the airport.
Updating to 3 stars. Seller contacted me right away to replace the item. Will update until next time I use the new baggage.
Very lightweight. My husband was skeptical of its durability but has so far made one round trip well. It looks nice (we got blue) and is pretty compact.
Its a little heavier than I was expecting, but the wheels still glide like a dream. The color is accurate, and the space in the suitcase is more than adequate for a week long trip. The separation between the bottom and the zippered top portion has gotten in the way, but Ive shifted some things around and ended up liking the separate storage spaces. If youre used to fabric suitcase, it may take some adjustments to your usual packing routine but its a fairly nice upgrade that appears to be built to last.
Purchased the 28 and it withstood one trip with three different flights so far. It did get scratched in a few places, stickers dont really stick to it, and it can be difficult to maneuver when its full, but its pretty easy to clean. I prefer hard/sided luggage as I feel it protects your belongings better so overall I would recommend this suitcase
Very nice for the money
Good suitcase, good price. Easy to manuever.
Broke down first time used. Seller replaced right away
The wheel broke the first time I used it and was not able to move it around the airport. Updating to 3 stars. Seller contacted me right away to replace the item. Will update until next time I use the new baggage.
50 Carry/ on
It doesnt expand / it fits clothes well but for some reason it doesnt seem as roomy as the Rockwell carry ons. color is nice and maneuvering is good
Good deal
Very lightweight. My husband was skeptical of its durability but has so far made one round trip well. It looks nice (we got blue) and is pretty compact.
Buy it!!
We have several pieces of luggage, it is sturdy and well/made, we love all of it! I really like the built/in locks on the carry/on size bags.
Took some getting used to, but very pleased
Its a little heavier than I was expecting, but the wheels still glide like a dream. The color is accurate, and the space in the suitcase is more than adequate for a week long trip. The separation between the bottom and the zippered top portion has gotten in the way, but Ive shifted some things around and ended up liking the separate storage spaces. If youre used to fabric suitcase, it may take some adjustments to your usual packing routine but its a fairly nice upgrade that appears to be built to last.
Great Christmas gift!
Gift for my granddaughter. She likes it.
No complaints!
Two enthusiastic thumbs up!
The ad was true
It met all the claims. Light, strong, easy to handle.
Would recommend
Purchased the 28 and it withstood one trip with three different flights so far. It did get scratched in a few places, stickers dont really stick to it, and it can be difficult to maneuver when its full, but its pretty easy to clean. I prefer hard/sided luggage as I feel it protects your belongings better so overall I would recommend this suitcase
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