On the reviews I see people saying it takes 2 people to assemble..its not that difficult .. did it by myself ..super easy. Its sturdy.. instructions were easy to follow.
This was purchased for my daughters room. It was perfect and the drawers give some much needed extra storage for her small room.
Missing 2 wheels for the drawer. I contacted the company and they sent extra right away.
After reading some reviews I was a little skeptical to buy this bed. So glad I did! Super easy to assemble. The boards that hold up the mattress itself were flimsy, but they do their job! The extra storage underneath is great. And overall its a great bed!
It was very easy to put together and the process was actually enjoyable. Its very sturdy and moving it one day will be no issue. The baskets they came with were cute but I had my own already. Highly recommend.
Just assembled this bed and it will be perfect for our 4 year old! Super sturdy (has a solid piece of MDF running from the center to the floor) for a kid. The drawers roll smoothly (note- they are 1/2 the width of the bed).
Assembly took about 2 hours after unwrapping. Love that glue comes for the wooden pegs.
Low to the ground- nice for a kid bed. Made in USA. Great quality for the price!
Drawers came damaged
Drawers came damaged. Cheap pressed wood.
Great bed
Grandson loves the bed especially the drawers.
Super easy for 1 person to assemble
On the reviews I see people saying it takes 2 people to assemble..its not that difficult .. did it by myself ..super easy. Its sturdy.. instructions were easy to follow.
A little shorter than I expected overall good value for the money
This was purchased for my daughters room. It was perfect and the drawers give some much needed extra storage for her small room. Missing 2 wheels for the drawer. I contacted the company and they sent extra right away.
Great bed!
After reading some reviews I was a little skeptical to buy this bed. So glad I did! Super easy to assemble. The boards that hold up the mattress itself were flimsy, but they do their job! The extra storage underneath is great. And overall its a great bed!
Grand daughters bed
Grand daughter really likes the bed.
Absolutely love this bed!
It was very easy to put together and the process was actually enjoyable. Its very sturdy and moving it one day will be no issue. The baskets they came with were cute but I had my own already. Highly recommend.
Perfect for 4 year old
Just assembled this bed and it will be perfect for our 4 year old! Super sturdy (has a solid piece of MDF running from the center to the floor) for a kid. The drawers roll smoothly (note- they are 1/2 the width of the bed). Assembly took about 2 hours after unwrapping. Love that glue comes for the wooden pegs. Low to the ground- nice for a kid bed. Made in USA. Great quality for the price!
No saggy box spring, more accessible storage.
Lots of work to assemble, but once done, its sturdy, attractive, and mattress sits on solid base without a saggy box spring. Its more comfortable.
Adorable for our son
Exactly what we were looking for, our sons first big boy bed. It was easy to put together and is super sturdy.
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