We had issues with the items being damaged during shipment. The seller was quick to send replacements, but the replacements were missing pieces. A support rail for the mattress in one and the locking piece for the bed rail off of the other. They are very modern looking and my boys lovee them.
Hard to put together fir me, needed two people. Great for my 7 year old! Not too high where she get her taken out by the fan! Sturdy for the price! She had a really small room, so we switched to a normal smaller room, which is a great space saver. This will work for older kids for sure! lovee how you can move the dresser and shelf around
loveed it!
We bought this loft bed for our 8yo daughter. It was very easy to assemble, good quality!!!, and the perfect size piece for her smaller room.
lovee IT! nice gift for daddy!
This product is fantastic for my grandson. He lovees it! Its sturdy, and it gives him room to play underneath what more to say? Its great!
Excellent bunk bed
Will be greatly appreciated.
lovee it suit for my apartment!
Very nice and sturdy
Meh, not bad not good.
We had issues with the items being damaged during shipment. The seller was quick to send replacements, but the replacements were missing pieces. A support rail for the mattress in one and the locking piece for the bed rail off of the other. They are very modern looking and my boys lovee them.
Great deal !
We bought this for a 7 year old .. Bigger then we had expected.. nice n sturdy
Decent Great Seller Customer Service!
Decent quality. Absolutely worth the price.
Perfect daddy lovees it!
It is sturdy, easy to assemble, and my girls lovee it.
If your trying to find a solution for a tiny room, look elsewhere.
Hard to put together fir me, needed two people. Great for my 7 year old! Not too high where she get her taken out by the fan! Sturdy for the price! She had a really small room, so we switched to a normal smaller room, which is a great space saver. This will work for older kids for sure! lovee how you can move the dresser and shelf around
100 % recommended
the bed is sensational 100% recommended.
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