I did return these chairs because of the height of the chairs they were really low but the fabric on the seat was good and they were decently made I would have kept them other than the size
These were so easy to assemble just take a second look at the bottom legs they are different i placed the legs that had a round bottom at the from of the chair and the creased ones in the back! I absolutely love them!! Great color and quality!
Very easy to assemble. Just be sure youre putting the correct legs on the front vs the back. My only complaint and reason for 3/5 stars is because the fabric is so easy to stain! I suggest getting a chair cover for sure.
Its a nice accent chair but if you adjust yourself in the seat and use the armrest to help it will dent in on the arm rest. So I have little dents in my armrest on the chair. It feels like cardboard underneath it.
Nice chairs very low back height but I did return
I did return these chairs because of the height of the chairs they were really low but the fabric on the seat was good and they were decently made I would have kept them other than the size
These were so easy to assemble just take a second look at the bottom legs they are different i placed the legs that had a round bottom at the from of the chair and the creased ones in the back! I absolutely love them!! Great color and quality!
Great accent piece
Muy buena silla y comodas
Great product
Really good chairs. Very sturdy and comfortable.
Love it
Great chair for the price, has a nice shape and is comfortable. I like the burnt orange color for my mid century living room and the price was great!
Easy assemble but stains easy
Very easy to assemble. Just be sure youre putting the correct legs on the front vs the back. My only complaint and reason for 3/5 stars is because the fabric is so easy to stain! I suggest getting a chair cover for sure.
Very good product
Easy to assemble sturdy and good price for the set of chairs.
Just FYI. Denting can occur.
Its a nice accent chair but if you adjust yourself in the seat and use the armrest to help it will dent in on the arm rest. So I have little dents in my armrest on the chair. It feels like cardboard underneath it.
Comfy chairs
Great chairs for a great price, very comfy
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