This chair has been the perfect accent to my bedroom. I had no assistance with it and assembled it pretty easily. It seems quite sturdy and just looks great.
I really like the chairs. They are soft and comfy. Easy to assemble. The only thing is they seem pretty small, but I will see once my table is delivered and Ill update the review. But other than that. they really nice chairs and they look exactly like the picture.
I like them better in person. So easy to assemble. Very firm and light weight. Seems very sturdy. Have been using them for a couple weeks and still like them.
I got this chair to work in from home. So far so good! I wish it was a tiny bit taller but thats my preference and I knew that in buying it. Its just so pretty!
Great accent.
This chair has been the perfect accent to my bedroom. I had no assistance with it and assembled it pretty easily. It seems quite sturdy and just looks great.
Ok for the price
Not the sturdiest. The chairs creak a but when I sit in them I just hope theyll last a whole year.
Nice, but small
I really like the chairs. They are soft and comfy. Easy to assemble. The only thing is they seem pretty small, but I will see once my table is delivered and Ill update the review. But other than that. they really nice chairs and they look exactly like the picture.
Accent chair
I love this chair it is very comfortable
Love it!
Love it. Delivery was much sooner than expected, Chairs met my expectations, even, sturdy and simple beautiful. No regrets.
Buy them
Great chairs get lots of compliments!!
Great chairs for a great price.
I like them better in person. So easy to assemble. Very firm and light weight. Seems very sturdy. Have been using them for a couple weeks and still like them.
Nice but discolored wood
Love the chair and design but wood not stained evenly
Pretty chair
I got this chair to work in from home. So far so good! I wish it was a tiny bit taller but thats my preference and I knew that in buying it. Its just so pretty!
Comfort and style
Very nice and not to hard to assemble
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