For the price, I think this is a great purchase. Very modern, nice looking couch, easy to assemble (comes almost made) and also very sturdy! The cushions could have been a little softer though
This couch was very easy to put together. It did come bent where the pull out section is. After using it for barely 2 months it is very worn as seen in the pictures. I knew this was a cheap couch but I figured Id get a year or so of use out of it not a few months. Definitely not very happy with this product.
EDIT: After writing this review the company reached out and offered replacements for the parts of the couch it was happening to, but I declined since I just knew it would keep happening. They still wanted to resolve the problem though so they offered a 50 refund which I took. Im very happy with the customer service of the company!
It was heavy. The three huge boxes are packed tight. I did hire a handyman and it took him about 45 minutes. The instructions show only illustrations and it was a little hard for the handyman to sort out, but once he did, he finished assembling it quickly. I just adore it. Its got my dogs approval too. Coolest sectional Ive ever owned!
The couch cushions sink in. I had to spend more money to replace some of the couch cushions because the cushions are not even real, they are like a strange styrofoam type material. Its not comable at all and it as really complicated to put together. Ive had it for 2 years now and I need a new couch already. I have to put comers on top of the couch to make it somewhat comable. Dont waste your money, I paid half of the amount it is listed for now. Id feel so bad for anyone who would spend over 1000 on this
I am so happy I made this purchase! It is exactly what I was looking for as far as how I wanted my living room to look. I was happy that I came fully assembled besides the bottoms, I was able to put together by myself. As far as com, I slept on it 4 nights in a row when my sister came to stay with me and I slept like a baby. My pup enjoyed it too! Very satisfied with this purchase, well worth the price!
love it. Same as shown
For the price, I think this is a great purchase. Very modern, nice looking couch, easy to assemble (comes almost made) and also very sturdy! The cushions could have been a little softer though
Cheap Couch.
This couch was very easy to put together. It did come bent where the pull out section is. After using it for barely 2 months it is very worn as seen in the pictures. I knew this was a cheap couch but I figured Id get a year or so of use out of it not a few months. Definitely not very happy with this product. EDIT: After writing this review the company reached out and offered replacements for the parts of the couch it was happening to, but I declined since I just knew it would keep happening. They still wanted to resolve the problem though so they offered a 50 refund which I took. Im very happy with the customer service of the company!
Modern low rise love it
It was heavy. The three huge boxes are packed tight. I did hire a handyman and it took him about 45 minutes. The instructions show only illustrations and it was a little hard for the handyman to sort out, but once he did, he finished assembling it quickly. I just adore it. Its got my dogs approval too. Coolest sectional Ive ever owned!
Loved it!
Gift for my son and he loved it
Beyond impressed with this couch for the price I paid. Sturdy, comable and good quality fabric.
Stylish and comable
Its perfect!
Aming couch!!!
The delivery was quick and super easy to install the legs! Extremely comfy so far. Perfect size for my smaller apartment.
The couch cushions sink in. I had to spend more money to replace some of the couch cushions because the cushions are not even real, they are like a strange styrofoam type material. Its not comable at all and it as really complicated to put together. Ive had it for 2 years now and I need a new couch already. I have to put comers on top of the couch to make it somewhat comable. Dont waste your money, I paid half of the amount it is listed for now. Id feel so bad for anyone who would spend over 1000 on this
I am so happy I made this purchase! It is exactly what I was looking for as far as how I wanted my living room to look. I was happy that I came fully assembled besides the bottoms, I was able to put together by myself. As far as com, I slept on it 4 nights in a row when my sister came to stay with me and I slept like a baby. My pup enjoyed it too! Very satisfied with this purchase, well worth the price!
Good Customer Service
They helped when I had a defective issue and resolved the issue
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