Its a solid bed and it was relatively easy to assemble. The only issue I had was keeping the appropriate screws straight. These could have been labeled better. Also the slide is pretty steep and hits pretty hard at the bottom, but my kids still love it. The height is good for my 3 and 6 year old.
This is a beautiful set. The directions were easy to follow but it does take some time to set up. Not quite as sturdy as I hoped but still a great value!
Our kiddos love this bed. Its a nice design and solidly built. The slats arent great, I recommend using them along with plywood. It did have quite a chemically odor for a couple days so air it out first if you can.
This bed is absolutely adorable in my daughters bedroom. She is almost 4 and is completely comfortable sleeping on the top bunk and we like it because its low enough to help her in and out if needed. Assembly took about 4 hours with 2 people. Id recommend getting the right size Allen wrench attachment for a drill to quicker assembly.
The slide is very steep and while our daughter still finds it fun I could see a lot of other kids not wanting to do it after their first high speed ride. We did put down a cushion mat under for our own piece of mind. Getting the no slide option might be a great alternative.
Easy to build so far. Found a piece thats missing the female end of the threads and the holes arent lining up.
Emailed them. And got a quick response back. Will be updating the review once issue is resolved.
These bunk beds are beautiful! My 3/year/old loves them and has a great time playing on the slide. The bottom bunk is very spacious. Both my wife and I have slept there with our daughter. Build the great beds were a bit complicated and thats the only reason I gave it 4 stars and not 5. The slide is a bit steep but my kid still loves it. We get a lot of compliments on it.
Good bed for younger kids
Its a solid bed and it was relatively easy to assemble. The only issue I had was keeping the appropriate screws straight. These could have been labeled better. Also the slide is pretty steep and hits pretty hard at the bottom, but my kids still love it. The height is good for my 3 and 6 year old.
Beautiful addition
This is a beautiful set. The directions were easy to follow but it does take some time to set up. Not quite as sturdy as I hoped but still a great value!
Solid and tons of fun
Our kiddos love this bed. Its a nice design and solidly built. The slats arent great, I recommend using them along with plywood. It did have quite a chemically odor for a couple days so air it out first if you can.
Adorable and high speed
This bed is absolutely adorable in my daughters bedroom. She is almost 4 and is completely comfortable sleeping on the top bunk and we like it because its low enough to help her in and out if needed. Assembly took about 4 hours with 2 people. Id recommend getting the right size Allen wrench attachment for a drill to quicker assembly. The slide is very steep and while our daughter still finds it fun I could see a lot of other kids not wanting to do it after their first high speed ride. We did put down a cushion mat under for our own piece of mind. Getting the no slide option might be a great alternative.
Total deal
Our son loves this bed. Shipping was fast and this was the best price we found it for!
Awesome Bed!
Easy to assemble and my toddler loves it!
Love the sturdyness of the wood
Easy to build so far. Found a piece thats missing the female end of the threads and the holes arent lining up. Emailed them. And got a quick response back. Will be updating the review once issue is resolved.
Great Bed
These bunk beds are beautiful! My 3/year/old loves them and has a great time playing on the slide. The bottom bunk is very spacious. Both my wife and I have slept there with our daughter. Build the great beds were a bit complicated and thats the only reason I gave it 4 stars and not 5. The slide is a bit steep but my kid still loves it. We get a lot of compliments on it.
Easy to install
Not as hard to put together as I imagined
Toddler loves it
Great quality bed, daughter loves it! Just as pictured
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