The measurements on the description were spot on, which was super important because my home is small. The instructions were basically just pictures so it was occasionally confusing but mostly enough for me to put it together on my own. Its sturdy for the most part but the one drawer handle came right off and I had to put it back on with screws (which might have been a mistake aesthetically but it works). My kids adore the slide and it arrived early. You want to get mattresses 6 inches thick or less otherwise it can be a safety issue, especially on the top bunk. Overall Im generally pleased although I wish it was just a little better quality controlled.
It is a really beautiful bed, my daughters love it but the bottom part of the frame on the right side stays in the air, I feel that the wood is not thick enough to be durable., when I received it four parts came defectives., contacted the seller and they replied back to me fast., they sent me the replacement parts, and I waited 2 months to receive the parts coz they didnt have them in stock., finally got the great bed ready for the girls and they are happy. By the way customer service from seller is perfect.
It looks nice, my son loves it. However, its a pain to put it together. Labelling is horrible and almost non existent. They should step up the game and invest 5/10 into proper labels and instructions. If you think IKEA furniture sucks, try this one .
If you going to do this by yourself be prepared to take more than 4+ hours to get this done . Overall my daughters love it. the instruction was pretty self explanatory. Take your time so you wont mess up with the screws.
Super cute, exactly what I wanted except
The measurements on the description were spot on, which was super important because my home is small. The instructions were basically just pictures so it was occasionally confusing but mostly enough for me to put it together on my own. Its sturdy for the most part but the one drawer handle came right off and I had to put it back on with screws (which might have been a mistake aesthetically but it works). My kids adore the slide and it arrived early. You want to get mattresses 6 inches thick or less otherwise it can be a safety issue, especially on the top bunk. Overall Im generally pleased although I wish it was just a little better quality controlled.
Did not receive the hardware to put the great bed together
Did not receive the hardware to put the great bed together.
White House
It is a really beautiful bed, my daughters love it but the bottom part of the frame on the right side stays in the air, I feel that the wood is not thick enough to be durable., when I received it four parts came defectives., contacted the seller and they replied back to me fast., they sent me the replacement parts, and I waited 2 months to receive the parts coz they didnt have them in stock., finally got the great bed ready for the girls and they are happy. By the way customer service from seller is perfect.
Nice but hard to put together
It looks nice, my son loves it. However, its a pain to put it together. Labelling is horrible and almost non existent. They should step up the game and invest 5/10 into proper labels and instructions. If you think IKEA furniture sucks, try this one .
My daughters love their bed
If you going to do this by yourself be prepared to take more than 4+ hours to get this done . Overall my daughters love it. the instruction was pretty self explanatory. Take your time so you wont mess up with the screws.
My son love his new bed and it came 2 weeks early
Easy to assemble. My child likes it.
Love this bed
Sturdy bed grandkids love it
Nice piece of furniture
It took some work to put together but turned out nice
The Price is a little bit high
Is beautiful soft beautiful color I love it
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