This table went together easily, everything lined up properly and putting it together took no time at all. Very sturdy and the drop leaves work well, they are strong when put in place. Overall I'm quite happy with this and have no regrets with the purchase.
The hardware and tool that came with this table were garbage. I wasted time trying to assemble before I had to go to the hardware store. Took me a long time to put together. The table looks nice and is the perfect size.
This table exceeded our expectations. Shipped quickly, went together in about half an hour and looks really nice for the money. Drop leaves are easy to use and level with the table top.
Legs wobble
Bolts do not stay tight
Check this table out!
Love this table, you wont be sorry if you purchase this table.
Worth much more than I paid!!
Easy assembly, just a bit larger than I expected. It's beautiful, exactly what I was wanting, very nicely built!!!
Perfect for my small space
This table went together easily, everything lined up properly and putting it together took no time at all. Very sturdy and the drop leaves work well, they are strong when put in place. Overall I'm quite happy with this and have no regrets with the purchase.
Get the right tools and hardware
The hardware and tool that came with this table were garbage. I wasted time trying to assemble before I had to go to the hardware store. Took me a long time to put together. The table looks nice and is the perfect size.
Good little table
Only been up 1 night but so far so good
This table exceeded our expectations
This table exceeded our expectations. Shipped quickly, went together in about half an hour and looks really nice for the money. Drop leaves are easy to use and level with the table top.
You get what you paid for.
Perfect for a small kitchen area.
Cozy table for 2
I needed a table for my tiny kitchen and this is just perfect. Its solid, sturdy, was easy to assemble and it looks great.
Not flimsy. Very heavy wood
Very nice table. Very strong and heavy. Not flimsy.
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