This is perfect for our 4 year old! Although not the easiest to put together, it is sturdy and is very attractive. We got the natural color wood and it looks great in his room. Recommended!
Overall this is a cute little bunkbed. Perfect for small children. The assembly instructions could use a little work. Had to remove turn pieces around a couple times but that was probably more assembler error. Lol, Im definitely no export furniture assembler.
I was a bit disappointed by the look of some of the pieces. I dont know if it happened during delivery or it they were boxed like that but there were several pieces that had dents in them. If Im paying a few hundred for a product, I expect for it to arrive in flawless condition.
My 4 year old twins love this bunk bed. Its low enough that I dont worry about them falling off and hurting themselves. The ladder is at a good angle and has wide rungs. It feels sturdy.
The item arrived fairly quickly though we ordered when it was out of stock (~2 weeks). Item came in one heavy box that was dinged but everything inside is packaged very securely so was fine. It took about 2 hours to put together, easy to assemble and feels like a quality product. Our kids love it so far and it is a nice height for younger kids. Only issue was I didnt receive the 8 screws to install the brackets which hold the metal bar. I had some screws which looked to be an ok size and length at home so I was able to finish assembling without the missing ones. Instructions were pretty simple as well.
Only major problem or Design Flaw is that the slide is too steep. I did a workaround which was to prop the end of the slide up about 8 inches from ground with padding/poof/thing. If you notice, no playground slide goes directly into the ground, there is normally a gap between the end of the slide and the floor for the child to put his feet down.
Perfect bunk bed!
This is perfect for our 4 year old! Although not the easiest to put together, it is sturdy and is very attractive. We got the natural color wood and it looks great in his room. Recommended!
Cute bunkbed
Overall this is a cute little bunkbed. Perfect for small children. The assembly instructions could use a little work. Had to remove turn pieces around a couple times but that was probably more assembler error. Lol, Im definitely no export furniture assembler. I was a bit disappointed by the look of some of the pieces. I dont know if it happened during delivery or it they were boxed like that but there were several pieces that had dents in them. If Im paying a few hundred for a product, I expect for it to arrive in flawless condition.
Sturdy and attractive
My 4 year old twins love this bunk bed. Its low enough that I dont worry about them falling off and hurting themselves. The ladder is at a good angle and has wide rungs. It feels sturdy.
I would recommend it!
I would prefer a fixed ladder because my kids keep taking it off and I have to reassemble it once already.
Kids love it!!
Looks great and easy to assemble
Easy as can be to install
The item arrived fairly quickly though we ordered when it was out of stock (~2 weeks). Item came in one heavy box that was dinged but everything inside is packaged very securely so was fine. It took about 2 hours to put together, easy to assemble and feels like a quality product. Our kids love it so far and it is a nice height for younger kids. Only issue was I didnt receive the 8 screws to install the brackets which hold the metal bar. I had some screws which looked to be an ok size and length at home so I was able to finish assembling without the missing ones. Instructions were pretty simple as well.
Create a grandkid tomorrow!
Perfect. We put two in one room for when our grandkids come to visit. They love the beds.
Slide is too Steep
Only major problem or Design Flaw is that the slide is too steep. I did a workaround which was to prop the end of the slide up about 8 inches from ground with padding/poof/thing. If you notice, no playground slide goes directly into the ground, there is normally a gap between the end of the slide and the floor for the child to put his feet down.
Bang for your buck!
Great bunk bed for the price!
Great low bunk bed!
Great bed for the price! Its low enough for my toddler to get in and out without issues and plenty big for my 7 year old.
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