A little bit of patience is needed when you first start putting this together but then it just flies after that. Very sturdy and is a low bunk (great for safety). Love it!
The bed feels sturdy, but like others have said the railing is not too sturdy. In less than 12 hours there is a crack in the top rail. It took about 2.5 hours with 2 people to put it together, directions were ok. It looks nice, fits great in small rooms and rooms with low ceiling.
The box was a little beat up but everything inside was okay. I absolutely LOVE how sturdy it is as parents, we can climb up for bedtime stories without hesitation. Its pretty low, which is perfect for our 7 and 4 year olds and the color is a pretty navy blue. With a memory foam mattress, weve decided the slats are kind of far apart so bought some additional slats (that run the other way) for extra support. Again, doesnt matter with little kids but might matter over time or if adults are in there. Great purchase!! Definitely glad we went with these since theyre so sturdy!!
This is one of the best purchases Ive made in a long time. Every single piece is labeled and every step of the directions matches perfectly with each piece. I am extremely impressed. It isnt the sturdiest bunk bed, but it is exactly what I expected when buying a metal bunk bed. The wheels for the trundle roll smoothly and everything is solid enough to be safe. I absolutely recommend this set and this company.
I have never written an review before but I feel the need to for this bed! I got It for my two year old and I am SO thrilled with this purchase. It was the easiest assembly I have ever experienced with a bed, let alone a bunk bed. It looks beautiful and my daughter loves it. I highly Recommend!
Perfect for the grandbabies
A little bit of patience is needed when you first start putting this together but then it just flies after that. Very sturdy and is a low bunk (great for safety). Love it!
The perfect bunk!
This is exactly what we were looking for! Beautiful, sturdy, safe, and low enough for my 5 and 3 year old. It took my husband 2 hours to put together.
Good bed
The bed feels sturdy, but like others have said the railing is not too sturdy. In less than 12 hours there is a crack in the top rail. It took about 2.5 hours with 2 people to put it together, directions were ok. It looks nice, fits great in small rooms and rooms with low ceiling.
Not for rough children
Great quality, but the bottom bunk is small and my son keeps hitting his head. Probably best for more cautious children.
really cute
great for the price
Very sturdy!! Love them!
The box was a little beat up but everything inside was okay. I absolutely LOVE how sturdy it is as parents, we can climb up for bedtime stories without hesitation. Its pretty low, which is perfect for our 7 and 4 year olds and the color is a pretty navy blue. With a memory foam mattress, weve decided the slats are kind of far apart so bought some additional slats (that run the other way) for extra support. Again, doesnt matter with little kids but might matter over time or if adults are in there. Great purchase!! Definitely glad we went with these since theyre so sturdy!!
Far surpassed my expectations
This is one of the best purchases Ive made in a long time. Every single piece is labeled and every step of the directions matches perfectly with each piece. I am extremely impressed. It isnt the sturdiest bunk bed, but it is exactly what I expected when buying a metal bunk bed. The wheels for the trundle roll smoothly and everything is solid enough to be safe. I absolutely recommend this set and this company.
Great bed!
I have never written an review before but I feel the need to for this bed! I got It for my two year old and I am SO thrilled with this purchase. It was the easiest assembly I have ever experienced with a bed, let alone a bunk bed. It looks beautiful and my daughter loves it. I highly Recommend!
My teenagers love this bed. Looks great and is very sturdy. Really impressed on how quickly it arrived after the order was placed (2 days).
Nice sized bunk.
So adorable. I love this bunk for my kids and they will not leave the room cause they love it as well. Hapoy with purchase.
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