So the item is exactly as pictured, it was easy to assemble as long as you have 2 people. Everything was going smoothly until the last step, I was screwing the screws for the ladder and the board split, on both the screws. And the screws wouldn't go all the way in. So I had to go purchase different screws and wood glue. A little angry but over all decent bed for my son.
Overall, it's exactly what you would expect from a knock down furniture cheap bed. It's plenty sturdy for my 4 year old daughter. Setup took some time, but nothing too incredibly difficult. Would recommend for anyone looking for a nice white loft bed.
It looks nice and was easy to put together but that's it. On the first night the cross members broke. The instructions says not over 100lbs. My son at most is 55. Had to buy my own boards to make it stronger. Buy the metal bed may not be at nice looking but would keep your kids safe. I tried to order new cross members but was told I would have to wait 6 months.
It seemed pretty easy for my husband to put together, but he is also very a jack of all trades type of guy. It seems sturdy enough. I guess the only bad thing is not having a board underneath to stabilize the mattress. My daughters prior bed had the board so we were able to just reuse it. Otherwise that would be very disappointing to not have. Especially since we needed to cut notches out of it for it to fit in the bed frame. Seems it should come with that. Otherwise happy!
When we assembled the bed, we noticed one of the posts were dented/scratched. It wasnt enough for us to want to send back after assembling. We contacted the company and they said they would send us a new piece, but that was too much work. A discount would have been nice. Other than that, the bed overall is perfect for my 3.5 year old.
Good until the end.
So the item is exactly as pictured, it was easy to assemble as long as you have 2 people. Everything was going smoothly until the last step, I was screwing the screws for the ladder and the board split, on both the screws. And the screws wouldn't go all the way in. So I had to go purchase different screws and wood glue. A little angry but over all decent bed for my son.
Not a terrible buy
Took a hot minute to put together. Looks nice. Great price
Great and Well Priced
Was a little time consuming to assemble. But for the price this item is sturdy and well made. Very nice looking as well.
Daughter loves it!
Overall, it's exactly what you would expect from a knock down furniture cheap bed. It's plenty sturdy for my 4 year old daughter. Setup took some time, but nothing too incredibly difficult. Would recommend for anyone looking for a nice white loft bed.
Was good until it wasnt.
It was nice while it lasted but broke after a year.
My son is 5 and around 55 lbs. First night one of the cross members broke.
It looks nice and was easy to put together but that's it. On the first night the cross members broke. The instructions says not over 100lbs. My son at most is 55. Had to buy my own boards to make it stronger. Buy the metal bed may not be at nice looking but would keep your kids safe. I tried to order new cross members but was told I would have to wait 6 months.
This bed is lovely
I bought this for my daughter it was easy to assemble and is so cute very big in size and sturdy
My daughter loves it so much.
And its height from the floor is perfect for a 3 yr old
Happy with this bed
It seemed pretty easy for my husband to put together, but he is also very a jack of all trades type of guy. It seems sturdy enough. I guess the only bad thing is not having a board underneath to stabilize the mattress. My daughters prior bed had the board so we were able to just reuse it. Otherwise that would be very disappointing to not have. Especially since we needed to cut notches out of it for it to fit in the bed frame. Seems it should come with that. Otherwise happy!
When we assembled the bed, we noticed one of the posts were dented/scratched. It wasnt enough for us to want to send back after assembling. We contacted the company and they said they would send us a new piece, but that was too much work. A discount would have been nice. Other than that, the bed overall is perfect for my 3.5 year old.
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