Has a modern coastal look, and a very good value. I don't spend much on furniture as I move too much and never can get out the money put into it. So this is a good choice for this situation.
This piece is cute and perfect for the price. We have our 45 inch TV on there and we trust how sturdy it is to support it. It was relatively easy to set up, it took two people just around an hour. Just what we needed!
The table is very sturdy and a very good quality. It looks and measures as described. I like to think Im very good at assembling things however, it took me five hours to put it together. I just wish the instructions had words and not just pictures to assemble it. I recommend this but just have patience when assembling.
There are other tables identicle to these but are not made with the same quality materials. These tables are sturdy and are very good quality. Assembly instructions are clear and easy to follow (make sure you have the screw pins in the right way or they won't tighten). You can't go wrong with tables, deffinitely worth the money!
Love it's appearance and sturdiness. It's not necessarily hard to assemble, but you need a good block of time and a little room to move while you're putting it together. It's relatively fun for people who like such projects, and it's definitely worth the effort when completed.
Its a very pretty table. A little bit of a pain to assemble. The only issue we had is the door would not stay shut after assembling it. We were able to correct the problem with magnets. Good value for your money.
Great piece for the price
Love this table. I assembled it in about 30 minutes and it looks great in my space. Very versatile and storage options are amazing
Good for the cost. I'd buy again
Has a modern coastal look, and a very good value. I don't spend much on furniture as I move too much and never can get out the money put into it. So this is a good choice for this situation.
Cute hall/sofa table.
This piece is cute and perfect for the price. We have our 45 inch TV on there and we trust how sturdy it is to support it. It was relatively easy to set up, it took two people just around an hour. Just what we needed!
Love this console!!
This was easy to assemble and looks awesome! Very good quality for the price.
Good price and works great in the area I wanted it for
Good price and perfect for what I needed
The assembly...
The table is very sturdy and a very good quality. It looks and measures as described. I like to think Im very good at assembling things however, it took me five hours to put it together. I just wish the instructions had words and not just pictures to assemble it. I recommend this but just have patience when assembling.
Superior products A
There are other tables identicle to these but are not made with the same quality materials. These tables are sturdy and are very good quality. Assembly instructions are clear and easy to follow (make sure you have the screw pins in the right way or they won't tighten). You can't go wrong with tables, deffinitely worth the money!
style and color
I used to store small items
Attractive, well-built table is a good value
Love it's appearance and sturdiness. It's not necessarily hard to assemble, but you need a good block of time and a little room to move while you're putting it together. It's relatively fun for people who like such projects, and it's definitely worth the effort when completed.
Its pretty
Its a very pretty table. A little bit of a pain to assemble. The only issue we had is the door would not stay shut after assembling it. We were able to correct the problem with magnets. Good value for your money.
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