Greate table for its price. Didnt take me very long to assemble. My only issue is that the bottom level was not aligned properly so it has a small space between the bars. But for am 80 dollar table it looks fantastic!
Assembly is very easy, it will only require one person. It is very sturdy and reliable.
It is just big enough to fit many things on it, but not too much and doesnt take that much space.
Great! Would recommend!
Got this for my sister. I assembled it in like 30 to 45 mins. Super easy. The parts and directions totally easy to understand. Very sturdy. Only concern is that the edges of the table are kinda rough and sharp.
The table is not a large coffee table.. perfect size for condo or small apartment. Easily assembled it by myself. I searched for a long time for a coffee table that wouldnt take up too much of the small space we were working with. Great value for money ! Looks sharp!
Great for the price
Greate table for its price. Didnt take me very long to assemble. My only issue is that the bottom level was not aligned properly so it has a small space between the bars. But for am 80 dollar table it looks fantastic!
An amazing, sturdy, pretty, and reliable coffee table
Assembly is very easy, it will only require one person. It is very sturdy and reliable. It is just big enough to fit many things on it, but not too much and doesnt take that much space. Great! Would recommend!
Easy to assemble for beginner
Got this for my sister. I assembled it in like 30 to 45 mins. Super easy. The parts and directions totally easy to understand. Very sturdy. Only concern is that the edges of the table are kinda rough and sharp.
Great condo/apartment size coffee table!
The table is not a large coffee table.. perfect size for condo or small apartment. Easily assembled it by myself. I searched for a long time for a coffee table that wouldnt take up too much of the small space we were working with. Great value for money ! Looks sharp!
Quality of a product
assembled nicely.
Easy to Assemble, and Perfectly Functional!
Very simple assembly! Beautiful table!
Thank you
Great product
Must buy
So easy to put together, did it by myself in thirty or less minutes, looks great, worth the money.
Nice table, easy to assemble, just needs to be a little taller
My husband likes the table, he just thought it would be a little taller...but it looks good is sturdy.
Easy assembly and great product
Easy assembly! The package came with all the supplies including a screwdriver, took me about 20mins to put together! Great price and product!
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