This product arrived quickly and overall looks great. It was smaller than I anticipated but nothing we cannot adjust to. I immediately opened the box and started assembling it. Overall it was super easy and user friendly to assemble. It was however missing the four screws for the bottom. Luckily we are remodeling and I had those laying around. Overall good product but the missing hardware thus far is my only issue.
It was a birthday gift for my son, he really likes it. Its very sturdy, easy to put together, the only thing some of the side pieces had small scratches. Totally worth the money.
Easy to assemble. Simple modern look. Affordable. The color of the wood is impressive in person. Assembled by myself. At one point you have to attach the wood to the sides of the stand while its standing up which was difficult to do by myself but I stacked up some pillows underneath it to hold it up while I screwed it in which worked perfectly. Stand is pretty sturdy I even use it as a foot rest sometimes even tho I probably shouldnt. Overall happy with purchase.
Excellent quality
Easy assembly, super sturdy, for the price
Happy costumer
Nice for the price. Very sturdy. With accessories even nicer. I love it.
Good condition and super easy to out together.
Very easy to assemble, super sturdy, and high quality. Well worth the money. Arrived in good condition.
Missing hardware
This product arrived quickly and overall looks great. It was smaller than I anticipated but nothing we cannot adjust to. I immediately opened the box and started assembling it. Overall it was super easy and user friendly to assemble. It was however missing the four screws for the bottom. Luckily we are remodeling and I had those laying around. Overall good product but the missing hardware thus far is my only issue.
Worth the money.
It was a birthday gift for my son, he really likes it. Its very sturdy, easy to put together, the only thing some of the side pieces had small scratches. Totally worth the money.
Affordable. Sturdy. Modern look.
Easy to assemble. Simple modern look. Affordable. The color of the wood is impressive in person. Assembled by myself. At one point you have to attach the wood to the sides of the stand while its standing up which was difficult to do by myself but I stacked up some pillows underneath it to hold it up while I screwed it in which worked perfectly. Stand is pretty sturdy I even use it as a foot rest sometimes even tho I probably shouldnt. Overall happy with purchase.
Not sturdy at all, legs are not leveled.
Came quickly, but table is TOO small, way too low. Shouldve measure my space but its also not very sturdy at all. Lets are not leveled.
Excellent coffee table. Friends love it. it
Ordered for a friend, they love it. Assembling it us an issue.
Solid Coffee Table Good Construction
Easy to Install Very sturdy
Its a beautiful small coffee table I love it .
Its a sturdy small just the right size coffee table for the center of my livingroom.
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