I will admit, I was leary after I ordered the bunk beds and then read the reviews...but this was easy to assemble and it is good quality! Great price for bunk beds!!
Pretty solid bed for $200. I had to send away for a replacement screw because one was bent and stripped. One of the legs had some minor cosmetic dents. Quality control could be improved. Otherwise strudy bed for the price.
I absolutely LOVE this bunk bed. I was hesitant to purchase this bed without seeing it in person. However, when the package arrived, I was so happy! It is amazing quality. It is very sturdy. We did receive the top side support bar broken which was a bummer but we contacted the company and they were absolutely wonderful to work with. We have had this bed for a few weeks now and we are still as happy with it as we were from day one. It looks like it was way more expensive than what I paid. Amazing bed for the price. Hands down, I would recommend this to anyone and I would purchase this again.
Was so easy to assemble. My three and four-year-old daughter absolutely love their bed we moved and we were able to take it apart and rebuild it without the instruction manual very sturdy and Im so glad I purchased these beds because the price point is amazing
Bought this for our 3 year old. Set up the top bunk only for right now as it has the rail. Have stored the other half for when hes older and starts having sleepovers. This bed is a great deal for the price. Very strong and sturdy. My husband and I have more than enough room to lay in bed to read stories with our son at night. Very strong construction. Exactly what we were looking for and we didnt have to spend time running around to furniture stores. Love the simplistic design. The design is such that it works for a 3 year old and will well stay with him through 10 or 11 easily.
Think u
Good job
Great for kids!
I will admit, I was leary after I ordered the bunk beds and then read the reviews...but this was easy to assemble and it is good quality! Great price for bunk beds!!
So cute
Solid bed with a few minor defects.
Pretty solid bed for $200. I had to send away for a replacement screw because one was bent and stripped. One of the legs had some minor cosmetic dents. Quality control could be improved. Otherwise strudy bed for the price.
Wonderful Bunk Bed
I absolutely LOVE this bunk bed. I was hesitant to purchase this bed without seeing it in person. However, when the package arrived, I was so happy! It is amazing quality. It is very sturdy. We did receive the top side support bar broken which was a bummer but we contacted the company and they were absolutely wonderful to work with. We have had this bed for a few weeks now and we are still as happy with it as we were from day one. It looks like it was way more expensive than what I paid. Amazing bed for the price. Hands down, I would recommend this to anyone and I would purchase this again.
Great quality at a great price!
These beds are very well made and at a great price. Highly recommend them.
Absolutely shocked
Was so easy to assemble. My three and four-year-old daughter absolutely love their bed we moved and we were able to take it apart and rebuild it without the instruction manual very sturdy and Im so glad I purchased these beds because the price point is amazing
Strong and Sturdy Construction
Bought this for our 3 year old. Set up the top bunk only for right now as it has the rail. Have stored the other half for when hes older and starts having sleepovers. This bed is a great deal for the price. Very strong and sturdy. My husband and I have more than enough room to lay in bed to read stories with our son at night. Very strong construction. Exactly what we were looking for and we didnt have to spend time running around to furniture stores. Love the simplistic design. The design is such that it works for a 3 year old and will well stay with him through 10 or 11 easily.
Great quality for the price.
Im so glad I purchased this. The littles love it!
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