My aunt is 84, uses a walker, and needed a stool to sit in at the sink or stove. This was easy to assemble even for me. Literally four screws. It is beautiful and comfortable. It is sturdy and not likely to tip, but easy to move on linoleum. It adjusts up and down to get exact height right. It was wide enough in the seat for a larger person. She can manage it with her walker. Great gift.
I'm writing what I wish I had known before I bought these.
Most of my ratings on are 4-5 stars. I gave these stools a 2 for good reasons.
Assembly was super easy. Shipping came without anything seeming damaged. Everything was packaged nicely. Everything appeared to be there. $200 to me for stools is not cheap but it's not overly pricy either. Chairs are adjustable and relatively comfortable. They are light and easy to move.
The Bad
I don't know HOW these were rated 4 for sturdiness on here. Mark my words--you will feel like you are doing to fall off any minute while sitting on them. This is my biggest issue. I have to hold onto my bar when I get on so I don't tip over (I'm 5'8 200lbs). My wife agrees, she is 5'8 125lbs. When you sit on them, they initially jolt and drop about 2 inches before sustaining your weight.
One of mine had a broken plastic ring from where the two pieces interconnect. The other had no lever to screw on in order to raise and lower the chair. I'm pretty accepting but even for me, this was pretty cheap.
Raising and Lowering:
There is a 2 in 3 chance it will work the first time you move the lever. Fortunately, mine will be staying at the same height.
I contacted company and heard nothing back. From what I've read, I shouldn't plan on hearing anything.
Very easy to understand illustrated instruction when compared to other Made in China instructions. Hardware and tool are provided for assemble. Stools appear to be well made. How durable will remain to be seen.
Perfect gift for disabled aunt’s kitchen.
My aunt is 84, uses a walker, and needed a stool to sit in at the sink or stove. This was easy to assemble even for me. Literally four screws. It is beautiful and comfortable. It is sturdy and not likely to tip, but easy to move on linoleum. It adjusts up and down to get exact height right. It was wide enough in the seat for a larger person. She can manage it with her walker. Great gift.
Very stable and easy to assemble
Super easy to build, very stable, one chair came slightly damaged but hardly noticeable.
So worth the money
So worth the money
cute, fits my kitchen not too comfy though
Nice overall
Everything is nice just as it looks
Great Product! Will recommend
Love it!
Please read this before buying:
I'm writing what I wish I had known before I bought these. Most of my ratings on are 4-5 stars. I gave these stools a 2 for good reasons. Good: Assembly was super easy. Shipping came without anything seeming damaged. Everything was packaged nicely. Everything appeared to be there. $200 to me for stools is not cheap but it's not overly pricy either. Chairs are adjustable and relatively comfortable. They are light and easy to move. The Bad Sturdiness: I don't know HOW these were rated 4 for sturdiness on here. Mark my words--you will feel like you are doing to fall off any minute while sitting on them. This is my biggest issue. I have to hold onto my bar when I get on so I don't tip over (I'm 5'8 200lbs). My wife agrees, she is 5'8 125lbs. When you sit on them, they initially jolt and drop about 2 inches before sustaining your weight. Defects: One of mine had a broken plastic ring from where the two pieces interconnect. The other had no lever to screw on in order to raise and lower the chair. I'm pretty accepting but even for me, this was pretty cheap. Raising and Lowering: There is a 2 in 3 chance it will work the first time you move the lever. Fortunately, mine will be staying at the same height. I contacted company and heard nothing back. From what I've read, I shouldn't plan on hearing anything.
Good quality bar stool.
Very easy to understand illustrated instruction when compared to other Made in China instructions. Hardware and tool are provided for assemble. Stools appear to be well made. How durable will remain to be seen.
Worth the self assembly
Super easy to assemble and comfy. Plus they look super chic.
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