Easy to assemble...perfect size for the game room...comfortable to sit in...not sure how long they will last...carrying them upstairs I could feel the sides were made of cardboard or plastic as they gave way but went back into place once I sat them down.
Bought it for my stepdaughter she likes it it's comfortable for her especially now with this pandemic she's at home in class so that's where she sits pretty much all day no complaints...I recommend.
So far...so good...hope they last!
Easy to assemble...perfect size for the game room...comfortable to sit in...not sure how long they will last...carrying them upstairs I could feel the sides were made of cardboard or plastic as they gave way but went back into place once I sat them down.
great little chair.
The seat cushion is very firm but comfortable with a pillow. Super cute, sturdy, and easy to assemble.
Extremely firm.
The chair looks great. Definitely easy to assemble. The seat is really firm. Not the most comfortable. Looks geeat
Got it for kids to sit in to play their games, easy to move around
Great product
Came way quicker then expected so easy to essemble looks great
Small and lovely bedroom chair
This chair is in my daughters new bedroom. Its lovely. She was able to attach the legs with no problems.
Great Buy I recommend
Bought it for my stepdaughter she likes it it's comfortable for her especially now with this pandemic she's at home in class so that's where she sits pretty much all day no complaints...I recommend.
Love these cute chairs
These chairs fit perfectly into my Queens Quarters! Not as comfortable as I thought. But they are study and cute.
Arm chair
My wife purchase for the bedroom small and comfy
Great product.
Comfortable and elegant. Fast delivery.
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