The best was easy to assemble. I feel like it does take 2 people for some of the assembly. 2 of the holes didnt match up,but was an easy fix. Overall for the price the best is sturdy great quality and easy to assemble
this bed was super easy to put together, its sturdy, and weve had it for about 6 months now. i would recommend getting a box spring because it does sit close to the floor
Needless to say, the bed looks great and for purposes specific to MY needs I would give it five stars. We have a pitched ceiling and the frame fits right in place and almost looks custom.
We transitioned our sons crib to a bed but he would end up falling out and sleeping on the floor at night because he was used to ta naps on a low cot at his daycare center. So this bed was a no/brainer.
The instructions were somewhat impossible which is why I gave four stars. The instructions werent clear on what went where when it came to the screws and pegs. I had to pull the pegs out and put them in the right place after I finally understood where they went. Otherwise, its an easy frame visually.
I knew the crib mattress wouldnt fit the length of the bed frame but thats okay for us because we use a mattress wedge to keep his head elevated due to his breathing(snoring).
He sleeps and plays well in it and calls it His House. We even drape covers over it for fun.
All in all, this bed understood the assignment, even if I didnt understand the instructions.
I would buy again.
Dont let all the pieces scare you
The best was easy to assemble. I feel like it does take 2 people for some of the assembly. 2 of the holes didnt match up,but was an easy fix. Overall for the price the best is sturdy great quality and easy to assemble
Above Expectations
Guys this is your go too, durable, clean, aerodynamics are perfect. GET IT !!!!
May need box spring
this bed was super easy to put together, its sturdy, and weve had it for about 6 months now. i would recommend getting a box spring because it does sit close to the floor
Super sturdy bed!
We are loving this bed frame with headboard! It was easy to assemble and didnt take long. We are happy with this purchase!
Great guest bed
Easy to set up. No box spring needed but it is low to the ground with just a mattress.
Gets the job done
Needless to say, the bed looks great and for purposes specific to MY needs I would give it five stars. We have a pitched ceiling and the frame fits right in place and almost looks custom. We transitioned our sons crib to a bed but he would end up falling out and sleeping on the floor at night because he was used to ta naps on a low cot at his daycare center. So this bed was a no/brainer. The instructions were somewhat impossible which is why I gave four stars. The instructions werent clear on what went where when it came to the screws and pegs. I had to pull the pegs out and put them in the right place after I finally understood where they went. Otherwise, its an easy frame visually. I knew the crib mattress wouldnt fit the length of the bed frame but thats okay for us because we use a mattress wedge to keep his head elevated due to his breathing(snoring). He sleeps and plays well in it and calls it His House. We even drape covers over it for fun. All in all, this bed understood the assignment, even if I didnt understand the instructions. I would buy again.
Would buy again. Sturdy.
Appreciated the rubber spacers to keep from squea. Quiet. Well made.
Looks good
Looks good and is easy to assemble
Liked it so well we bought a 2nd one!
Easy assembly and sturdy quality. We bought a size for our son, liked it so well we got a 2nd for the guest room.
This was easy to assemble and its very steady
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