Cant say enough about this product. So easy to set up and extremely sturdy. I was expecting something much less in quality. Now that I see how nice it is I plan to buy other pieces from the same company to match my room.
The bed arrived with missing pieces and bolts. Its way smaller than pictured and not very sturdy. Wanted to return but became too much of a hassle with the seller and taking pictures etc. It wouldve cost me too much to return it to even deal with it.
We were really pleased at the craftmanship in the frame and the strength of the frame. Great value for the money. We may just buy another one for my daughter.
Everything was great until I was almost finished building and found out that im missing 2 of the screws to attach my headboard. Still waiting for them to respond I am NOT taking this thing apart so Im expecting my 2 screws.
My first time putting together a bed frame so this was fairly easy. It came with an instruction booklet with step by step photos, came with all the tools and parts. Wasnt heavy when putting together and seems really sturdy now that I put my bed on it and Im laying down. Its cute but doesnt look like the photo advertised, great deal for how much it is though. Thinking about altering the headboard since it doesnt look like its supposed to. Otherwise its a great buy and makes my room look nicer. Better than just having my bed on the floor.
I bought this based off of the look and design. It appears to be reasonably sturdy. I appreciate the detail in the design/ the directions are well written and there was no modifications (re/drilling or tapping) to be done. I had one screw head strip out. I cheated and used a screwdriver.
Disclaimer/ I am not a small individual/ I am definitely north of husky and south of my 600lb life. This bed will not last me for long without some assistance. I am putting plywood on top of the steel slats to more evenly distribute the weight. I am fearful the secondary support legs may also not hold up at the welds. The welds look good, just slightly thinner metal than I hoped. Overall. 4 out of 5
5 out of 5 for value. If it holds up/ I would be willing to change my tune.
Cant say enough about this product. So easy to set up and extremely sturdy. I was expecting something much less in quality. Now that I see how nice it is I plan to buy other pieces from the same company to match my room.
Not what I expected
The bed arrived with missing pieces and bolts. Its way smaller than pictured and not very sturdy. Wanted to return but became too much of a hassle with the seller and taking pictures etc. It wouldve cost me too much to return it to even deal with it.
Great purchase!
This bed is for my teen son and was easy to assemble and is very sturdy, very impressed with the quality!
We were real pleased
We were really pleased at the craftmanship in the frame and the strength of the frame. Great value for the money. We may just buy another one for my daughter.
Waiting for a response.
Everything was great until I was almost finished building and found out that im missing 2 of the screws to attach my headboard. Still waiting for them to respond I am NOT taking this thing apart so Im expecting my 2 screws.
I love this bed frame! So elegant but also sturdy and quiet at the same time! Easy to set up!
Sturdy and great for the money but looks different than the photo
My first time putting together a bed frame so this was fairly easy. It came with an instruction booklet with step by step photos, came with all the tools and parts. Wasnt heavy when putting together and seems really sturdy now that I put my bed on it and Im laying down. Its cute but doesnt look like the photo advertised, great deal for how much it is though. Thinking about altering the headboard since it doesnt look like its supposed to. Otherwise its a great buy and makes my room look nicer. Better than just having my bed on the floor.
i love this so much
i love this bed frame. its so cute and it was super easy to assemble. had it for a few months and so far so good!
Very nice looking and affordable/ disclaimer/ take note
I bought this based off of the look and design. It appears to be reasonably sturdy. I appreciate the detail in the design/ the directions are well written and there was no modifications (re/drilling or tapping) to be done. I had one screw head strip out. I cheated and used a screwdriver. Disclaimer/ I am not a small individual/ I am definitely north of husky and south of my 600lb life. This bed will not last me for long without some assistance. I am putting plywood on top of the steel slats to more evenly distribute the weight. I am fearful the secondary support legs may also not hold up at the welds. The welds look good, just slightly thinner metal than I hoped. Overall. 4 out of 5 5 out of 5 for value. If it holds up/ I would be willing to change my tune.
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