I bought this rocking chair for my grand/daughter who is having my great/grandson. She loves it! It is comfortable, supportive, and she assembled it herself without any problems! The only downside is that the arm cushions become unsnapped when she sits on the rocking chair. She said its not the best design where they put the snaps. But other than that, its great!
Ive owned this product for a few days. It is beautiful and I love how it looks in my home. It seems fine so far as durability, but Ill update when it breaks. The chair arms almost didnt fit when assembling the product, and I felt as if I had to bend the back of the chair inappropriately to get the arm to screw into it. Nothing cracked, so thats good. The arm rest cushions snap onto the wood frame, and they also almost dont fit. One snap refuses to stay clipped, so it ends up just hanging there, driving me cry.
Comfort Wise, this product is really good. All my family members are enjoying it.
Cons: Cushion covers could have been provided as easy washable material.
Great Rocking Chair!
I bought this rocking chair for my grand/daughter who is having my great/grandson. She loves it! It is comfortable, supportive, and she assembled it herself without any problems! The only downside is that the arm cushions become unsnapped when she sits on the rocking chair. She said its not the best design where they put the snaps. But other than that, its great!
Mother to be. Loved it
View mom gift
Adorable and comfortable
Its exactly as advertised. Its adorable and comfortable. Assembly was not difficult.
Comfort an affordable price
Good one for nursing rocking a new born or just relax yourself!
Review very soon after buying.
Ive owned this product for a few days. It is beautiful and I love how it looks in my home. It seems fine so far as durability, but Ill update when it breaks. The chair arms almost didnt fit when assembling the product, and I felt as if I had to bend the back of the chair inappropriately to get the arm to screw into it. Nothing cracked, so thats good. The arm rest cushions snap onto the wood frame, and they also almost dont fit. One snap refuses to stay clipped, so it ends up just hanging there, driving me cry.
Easy to ensamble and nice rocking and support
The best item that I bought most than what I expected , I love it
Comfy when complete
A little difficult to put together but when done very nice
Easy to assemble and very comfy. Just wish they would have had a light gray color instead of the swirl pattern. Still looks great though!
looks good
not vry comfortable
Good Comfort
Comfort Wise, this product is really good. All my family members are enjoying it. Cons: Cushion covers could have been provided as easy washable material.
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