The bed is not a standard twin, it leaves quite a bit of room on all sides. It is also much more difficult to put together than the toddler size frame. The parts are the same width as their toddler size frame (which we also own and love), which makes it very difficult not to have feel like its going to fall down/wiggle around with the slightest touch. Love the look but not worth the price!
Its very nice and sturdy but the screws were rough on my fingers when it came to screwing them in, was very easy to assemble and move around. I ordered my son a little platform to go underneath his mattress. Hes going to love this!
We have a new grandbaby coming so I got this for my granddaughter and she loves it! It's the perfect size for her and the color of the bed is beautiful! Great quality!
All the parts don't line up evenly at the joints. Dimensions are a bit bigger than the mattress so there's a gap between the wall. For the money, overall good value.
Weak frame, not worth the $
The bed is not a standard twin, it leaves quite a bit of room on all sides. It is also much more difficult to put together than the toddler size frame. The parts are the same width as their toddler size frame (which we also own and love), which makes it very difficult not to have feel like its going to fall down/wiggle around with the slightest touch. Love the look but not worth the price!
Like the look of the bed but cheap
House Frame assembly
Its very nice and sturdy but the screws were rough on my fingers when it came to screwing them in, was very easy to assemble and move around. I ordered my son a little platform to go underneath his mattress. Hes going to love this!
Missing hardware and no instructions
Missing hardware and no instructions. Ridiculous for a $170 bed
Came damaged
Item came damaged and the parts dont line up on the top during assembly. Shouldve returned but didnt want to go through the hassle.
Twin XL mattress frame
Great cute bed frame for my 2 year old son! Youll needs a twin XL mattress unless you want about a 5 inch gap.
We have a new grandbaby coming so I got this for my granddaughter and she loves it! It's the perfect size for her and the color of the bed is beautiful! Great quality!
It's super flimsy. And really not worth your money.
pieces don't fully align
holes in the slabs are weird, super tough to screw and pieces don't align entirely, leaving screws exposed... quality is not great
Overall good value
All the parts don't line up evenly at the joints. Dimensions are a bit bigger than the mattress so there's a gap between the wall. For the money, overall good value.
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