The overall product is good but the labels are not correct. You might need to spend some time to figure out the correct assembly order.
I received the product damaged and its hard to drop off as i need a truck
We picked this bed out for my toddlers first big girl bed. Its low to the ground which is perfect for her, plus the bookshelf is a great touch. The directions were pretty clear and I was able to put it together by myself fairly quickly.
I have been wanting a house bed for my toddler for a long time and this bed is overall a good value. Feels sturdy and looks really cute. The only negative thing is Item arrived with some minor dents on two pieces of the wood. But it is pretty minor so for me its not a big deal. Direction is clear and easy to follow.
My daughter absolutely loves her Poppy House Twin Bed! The book storage at the end of the bed is so cute and perfect for her because she loves her books.
we love this house bed! my toddler got so excited he couldnt stop gasping and oozing over his new house. were transitioning our three year old to a big boy bed and this was the perfect fit for us! We can tuck him in and nap together since its a sturdy piece of furniture — and that makes it worth every penny.
Exactly as expected! Love it
This is a super cute bed - I highly recommend it
Good product but poor labeling and 2 pieces were damaged
The overall product is good but the labels are not correct. You might need to spend some time to figure out the correct assembly order. I received the product damaged and its hard to drop off as i need a truck
Best house bed!
We are loving this bed. It is perfect for toddlers and is such great quality. Its a must buy. I love the book slots at the foot of them bed.
Perfect bed for my son
My son loves this bed. It was very easy to put together. Took about 1.5 hours and we had no issues! Gives the room a nice clean look. Love the white.
Love that its low to the ground for my toddler
We picked this bed out for my toddlers first big girl bed. Its low to the ground which is perfect for her, plus the bookshelf is a great touch. The directions were pretty clear and I was able to put it together by myself fairly quickly.
Overall a good value
I have been wanting a house bed for my toddler for a long time and this bed is overall a good value. Feels sturdy and looks really cute. The only negative thing is Item arrived with some minor dents on two pieces of the wood. But it is pretty minor so for me its not a big deal. Direction is clear and easy to follow.
Best princess bed
Love the bed! Easy to assemble, made for perfect princess bed for my 7 year old, she loves it!
Adorable House Bed
My daughter absolutely loves her Poppy House Twin Bed! The book storage at the end of the bed is so cute and perfect for her because she loves her books.
its a great bed.
we love this house bed! my toddler got so excited he couldnt stop gasping and oozing over his new house. were transitioning our three year old to a big boy bed and this was the perfect fit for us! We can tuck him in and nap together since its a sturdy piece of furniture — and that makes it worth every penny.
Good quality and looks great
The assembly direction is very good and the quality is acceptable for the price . I recommend this pretty bed .
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