put blanket under when assembling it does scratch super easy/follow step by step instructions even if you feel confident I got ahead of myself and had to take apart.
Very cute little bed. Super light and can be moved easy. Sturdy enough for my toddler but definitely would not advised sitting on it with him myself nor my 90lb son sitting with him. Also, assembly was a pain. Needs to be labeled better. Also wish the side rails were just a bit longer... he still rolls off (but it sits very low to ground).
Putting it together was little complicated took about 2hrs. Its sturdy all parts were there. Kids love these beds and plus its cute sleigh style
Bed with built in bars so kids dont roll out lol…. Id buy it again!
Perfect Transition Bed
It's the perfect size for him to climb in and feel like a big boy. It's very sturdy and looks great!
My granddaughter just loves this cute bed!!! Great choice ...
My granddaughter just loves this cute bed!!! Great choice...
Good 1st bed for toddler
The bed is a very good bed for a toddler, low to the floor and durable and not to mention the color…goes with any bed set!
Beautiful bed. Sturdy and big enough for my princess and ALL, her babies.
Beautiful bed. Sturdy and big enough for my princess and ALL, her babies.
Smaller than I was expecting
It was smaller than I was expecting
put blanket under when assembling/follow step by step instructions even if you feel confident.
put blanket under when assembling it does scratch super easy/follow step by step instructions even if you feel confident I got ahead of myself and had to take apart.
Too cute!
My 5 year old (she's tiny) loves it
Cute bed, assembly is a pain
Very cute little bed. Super light and can be moved easy. Sturdy enough for my toddler but definitely would not advised sitting on it with him myself nor my 90lb son sitting with him. Also, assembly was a pain. Needs to be labeled better. Also wish the side rails were just a bit longer... he still rolls off (but it sits very low to ground).
Worth the money for a toddler bed!
Putting it together was little complicated took about 2hrs. Its sturdy all parts were there. Kids love these beds and plus its cute sleigh style Bed with built in bars so kids dont roll out lol…. Id buy it again!
Time consuming on build
Definitely plan for a couple hours to build each one, lot of screws and bolts, but solid bed.
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