Our brand new toddler bed is absolutely adorable and we'll worth the money! Perfect size for my two year old and was a easy transition for him as well. He gravitated to the bed immediately. We love the bed and I would refer everyone who is in need of a new bed.
It's been a week since I assemble this, and so far I love it and so does my 2 year old. It was pretty easy to assemble and it brings all the tools you need. It is very sturdy (I say this as I'm laying in it with my son), I would say it holds 200lbs well. He has jumped on it and it is still standing.
Bed purchased as a gift for a 16month old Toddler. He loves it. Easy for him to get in and out of, he gets in by himself to take a nape. You are looking for him and he's in his bed. The rail guards are perfect for him not to fall out, although I did purchase long bumper roll pads for the bed. It came on time, easy to assemble and his parents love it.
True to size, easy to assemble
Looks big but fits in small places.
Absolute adorable and well made!
Our brand new toddler bed is absolutely adorable and we'll worth the money! Perfect size for my two year old and was a easy transition for him as well. He gravitated to the bed immediately. We love the bed and I would refer everyone who is in need of a new bed.
Not disappointed
Very sturdy and pretty .
Easy to assemble and seems fine after several months.
Easy to assemble and seems fine after several months.
Great decision
My son loves his new bed. Great price, good quality, overall happy.
Daughter loves it
Daughter loves it
Happy with my purchase
It's been a week since I assemble this, and so far I love it and so does my 2 year old. It was pretty easy to assemble and it brings all the tools you need. It is very sturdy (I say this as I'm laying in it with my son), I would say it holds 200lbs well. He has jumped on it and it is still standing.
I got two of these for my kids. They love it. Easy to assemble.
I got two of these for my kids. They love it. Easy to assemble.
Great Grandson first Bed
Bed purchased as a gift for a 16month old Toddler. He loves it. Easy for him to get in and out of, he gets in by himself to take a nape. You are looking for him and he's in his bed. The rail guards are perfect for him not to fall out, although I did purchase long bumper roll pads for the bed. It came on time, easy to assemble and his parents love it.
Great value for the money.
Great little bed my kid loves it.
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