Price is great, looks good, easy to assemble. The only issue I found was the supports in the middle of the bed frame are slightly flimsy. We'll see how it holds up.
This bed was really easy to assemble. My daughter absolutely loves it. It has a weird smell to it when you first open it, I'm sure it is the particle board that it is made of. Also, I wish the company would have included little caps to put over the screw holes for a cleaner look. You can see everywhere the screws are.
Got this for my daughter to easily transition her from her crib. It was easy to assemble but did take some time since it comes in a lot of pieces. But worth the money!! My daughter was so excited to see it when we set it up!
Very pretty
I bought this for my daughter and it was pretty confusing to put together at first, but it looks beautiful.
Try it
Try it
Nice frame for the price!
Price is great, looks good, easy to assemble. The only issue I found was the supports in the middle of the bed frame are slightly flimsy. We'll see how it holds up.
Very easy to put up and looks just like picture
Nice bed for the price.
Definitely recommend this bed!
Absolutely loved this bed, the set up was super simple and easy and its the perfect height for my two year old!
My 1year old Loves!!!
Love this bed and love how my Prince is able to climb in and out of it without help!
Missing hardware/holes not drilled properly.
Missing hardware/hole drilled. Too much of a hassle to send back but not happy.
Looks good, serves its purpose
This bed was really easy to assemble. My daughter absolutely loves it. It has a weird smell to it when you first open it, I'm sure it is the particle board that it is made of. Also, I wish the company would have included little caps to put over the screw holes for a cleaner look. You can see everywhere the screws are.
Disliked how hard it was to put together but once its together it was very sturdy and worth the frustration of putting it together
Disliked how hard it was to put together but once its together it was very sturdy and worth the frustration of putting it together
Worth the money but make sure to have to alot of time
Got this for my daughter to easily transition her from her crib. It was easy to assemble but did take some time since it comes in a lot of pieces. But worth the money!! My daughter was so excited to see it when we set it up!
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