My son is 1.5 year old and we just made the switch to a toddler bed. Hes been in this bed for a couple of weeks and we love it! I am roughly 145 lbs and I lay in the bed with him every night. It is very sturdy and was easy to put together.
This bed is great, shipped fast, easy to put together, and its very sturdy. It was affordable, and its perfect for my daughters room. No complaints here
After we got this we put it together without any issues. Our daughter LOVES her big girl bed! Nice quality. Only thing is that in order to prevent a slat from splitting there should be a long wooden slat across the other slats the long way. This adding more support and so the slat that's in the middle of the bed won't break when moving it. We're adding this to our bed for prevention.
This is such a cute and affordable option if you're in need of a toddler bed. I must warn you however, it does have a God-awful chemical smell when you take it out of the box. I was very leery of letting my daughter sleep in it until the smell wore off. The smell was strong enough to make me dizzy so I can just imagine what it would do to a child. The smell dissipated within a day or so of being assembled though and now I love it. My husband assembled it within an hour or so.
Love this bed for my son. It was kind of hard to put together and one screw didnt fit with the whole that it was supposed to be put it. But all in all, my son fits good in it and is worth the price I paid for
Bought this for my daughter, she is in love with her new big girl bed!! I am pleased with the quality as well as how easy it was to put together. It was exactly what I was looking for!
This has great, classic design and was easy to assemble. All of the parts needed, plus some, were in the box. All parts were clearly labeled as well. My only complaint would be the middle joint allows for too much movement when moving the bed. Other than that, my son slept comfortably his first night and didn't fall out.
This bed is adorable, very easy to put together and holds a lot of weight. I would of liked the bed rail to have been longer. My 27 month old grand daughter rolls out of a couple of times a week but she is so close to the ground that she just falls asleep where she lands.
Hes been in this bed for a couple of weeks and we love it! I am roughly 145 lbs and I ...
My son is 1.5 year old and we just made the switch to a toddler bed. Hes been in this bed for a couple of weeks and we love it! I am roughly 145 lbs and I lay in the bed with him every night. It is very sturdy and was easy to put together.
Good find.
Instructions were easy. Took about 1/2 hour to build one (bought 2). Sturdy enough for how long they will be used.
This bed is great, shipped fast
This bed is great, shipped fast, easy to put together, and its very sturdy. It was affordable, and its perfect for my daughters room. No complaints here
Good quality. Pretty easy assembly
Good quality. Pretty easy assembly!! I would purchase again! My 3 year old loves it.
Nice bed
After we got this we put it together without any issues. Our daughter LOVES her big girl bed! Nice quality. Only thing is that in order to prevent a slat from splitting there should be a long wooden slat across the other slats the long way. This adding more support and so the slat that's in the middle of the bed won't break when moving it. We're adding this to our bed for prevention.
Beware of the smell!
This is such a cute and affordable option if you're in need of a toddler bed. I must warn you however, it does have a God-awful chemical smell when you take it out of the box. I was very leery of letting my daughter sleep in it until the smell wore off. The smell was strong enough to make me dizzy so I can just imagine what it would do to a child. The smell dissipated within a day or so of being assembled though and now I love it. My husband assembled it within an hour or so.
Love this bed for my son
Love this bed for my son. It was kind of hard to put together and one screw didnt fit with the whole that it was supposed to be put it. But all in all, my son fits good in it and is worth the price I paid for
Quality bed and toddler approved!!
Bought this for my daughter, she is in love with her new big girl bed!! I am pleased with the quality as well as how easy it was to put together. It was exactly what I was looking for!
Looks great and easy to assemble.
This has great, classic design and was easy to assemble. All of the parts needed, plus some, were in the box. All parts were clearly labeled as well. My only complaint would be the middle joint allows for too much movement when moving the bed. Other than that, my son slept comfortably his first night and didn't fall out.
This bed is adorable, very easy to put together and holds a ...
This bed is adorable, very easy to put together and holds a lot of weight. I would of liked the bed rail to have been longer. My 27 month old grand daughter rolls out of a couple of times a week but she is so close to the ground that she just falls asleep where she lands.
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