The only thing that makes me complain is the price. The things it provides are a bit expensive, but the quality and entertainment value make up for it.
Always kept in the shopping cart. I didn't buy it for my child until she was two years old. This is not just a toy, but also a witness to my daughter's growth, accompanying her to grow up together.
Assembling these parts together is definitely a nightmare. The instruction manual is unclear, and some parts are not properly installed. I spent several hours trying to assemble it, but even so, it still felt unstable. I am not at all satisfied with this.
For my toddler who is learning to walk, this slide is too steep. Every time he tries to use it, he eventually walks too fast and becomes scared. This should be interesting, but it has become a source of anxiety. I wouldn't recommend it to young children.
When my child plays on the game slide, it shakes very much, which makes me very nervous. I thought the price I paid should have better quality. This shopping experience has left me very disappointed.
So bad! The colors in the online pictures are bright and vibrant, but what I received was dim and faded. It looks like it has been stored in the warehouse for many years. This should have made our game room bright, but in reality, it looks monotonous and boring.
Unfortunately, my child quickly lost interest in this game structure. These activities were not as engaging as I had hoped, nor did they capture his attention for a long time. For this price, I thought it would make him happy, but it's not the case.
Not only for fun, but also for education. Different activities help my child learn balance, coordination, and problem-solving. This is an excellent way to combine play and learning.
Expensive price
The only thing that makes me complain is the price. The things it provides are a bit expensive, but the quality and entertainment value make up for it.
Accompanying growth
Always kept in the shopping cart. I didn't buy it for my child until she was two years old. This is not just a toy, but also a witness to my daughter's growth, accompanying her to grow up together.
Difficult to assemble
Assembling these parts together is definitely a nightmare. The instruction manual is unclear, and some parts are not properly installed. I spent several hours trying to assemble it, but even so, it still felt unstable. I am not at all satisfied with this.
The slide is too steep
For my toddler who is learning to walk, this slide is too steep. Every time he tries to use it, he eventually walks too fast and becomes scared. This should be interesting, but it has become a source of anxiety. I wouldn't recommend it to young children.
Disappointing quality
When my child plays on the game slide, it shakes very much, which makes me very nervous. I thought the price I paid should have better quality. This shopping experience has left me very disappointed.
Inconsistent color
So bad! The colors in the online pictures are bright and vibrant, but what I received was dim and faded. It looks like it has been stored in the warehouse for many years. This should have made our game room bright, but in reality, it looks monotonous and boring.
Not attractive
Unfortunately, my child quickly lost interest in this game structure. These activities were not as engaging as I had hoped, nor did they capture his attention for a long time. For this price, I thought it would make him happy, but it's not the case.
An interesting way of learning
Not only for fun, but also for education. Different activities help my child learn balance, coordination, and problem-solving. This is an excellent way to combine play and learning.
Promote the development
Climbing elements, slides, and basketball hoops all promote my child's physical development in a fun way. This is great, it's exactly what I need.
Add fashionable elements
Bright colors and thoughtful design,we knew as soon as we received the goods that it would become a fashionable and attractive place in our home.
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