The assembly was easy but a bit cumbersome for one person. The instructions were not clear, but the ease of the assembly made up for that. The chair is comfortable, but stiff, so not super comfy. For as simple as the assembly was, the chair is surprisingly sturdy.
Put these chairs together in 15/20 minutes and they are actually comfortable. Sturdy and Sexy, thinking of buying the bigger two seater, but may wait till I get Christmas Gift Cards.
The color is a little off. Only when the sun hits its bright! As you can see my chairs are in the window. One of the legs were a little off it was to be a back let and it was a front leg. I was being bold with this color and Im glad I did. Overall I love my chairs. Nothing major I can say. The comfort is a little stiff but not a deal breaker!
Looks great
Good value for the price...
The assembly was easy but a bit cumbersome for one person. The instructions were not clear, but the ease of the assembly made up for that. The chair is comfortable, but stiff, so not super comfy. For as simple as the assembly was, the chair is surprisingly sturdy.
Elegante confortable fuerte
Cute chair.
Not very sturdy.
Sturdy but stiff
Sturdy and easy to assemble, however its pretty uncomfortable to sit on. Luckily I dont use it much more then just as a accent chair in my office.
Nice, sturdy, and Sexy
Put these chairs together in 15/20 minutes and they are actually comfortable. Sturdy and Sexy, thinking of buying the bigger two seater, but may wait till I get Christmas Gift Cards.
Great statement chair
Just like the picture. Includes all necessary hardware and tools for installation. Took me like 10 minutes to assemble. Great quality
Nice design
Good looking chair, still hard on butt. Maybe better suited for petite person.
Im pleased with my Chairs!
The color is a little off. Only when the sun hits its bright! As you can see my chairs are in the window. One of the legs were a little off it was to be a back let and it was a front leg. I was being bold with this color and Im glad I did. Overall I love my chairs. Nothing major I can say. The comfort is a little stiff but not a deal breaker!
Excellent purchase prompt delivery
Comfortable chair
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