This chair came in a very flat box, and we were initially worried there were pieces missing. It was, however, just very well designed for shipping and assembly. It took less than 10 minutes to put together and makes a nice addition to the bedroom where it will be used. I dont think it would be comfortable or sturdy enough for regular use in a hearth or living room, but it is just right for putting shoes on in the morning. The price point is great too.
First the fact that this arrives quicker than any furniture store is a plus. When it came I so pleasantly surprised by how bright and beautiful the couch looked. It really helped transform the room and give the pop I was looking for. It is definitely firm but putting a nice accent pillow on it helped for me. The pictures dont do justice to how vibrant the chair really is
Its seems super sturdy and high end for the price. The cushion is very hard at first sitting, but it seems like over time it could soften. Perfect for staging a home for a modern look.
Great style + price
Love this chair! Such a cute addition to our space, and it was foo expensive but great quality!
So pleased with this pretty chair.
Wished it was a bolder yellow. Its on the mustard-colored side but I love it.
Decent chair for the price!
Very comfortable and stylish
Stylish and Easy to Assemble
This chair came in a very flat box, and we were initially worried there were pieces missing. It was, however, just very well designed for shipping and assembly. It took less than 10 minutes to put together and makes a nice addition to the bedroom where it will be used. I dont think it would be comfortable or sturdy enough for regular use in a hearth or living room, but it is just right for putting shoes on in the morning. The price point is great too.
Very nice for the price.
Great chair!
Great look
This product was easy to put together and my mom loves it in her bedroom
Lovely chair
Its well made and attractive and is in my living room.
Beautiful in a room
First the fact that this arrives quicker than any furniture store is a plus. When it came I so pleasantly surprised by how bright and beautiful the couch looked. It really helped transform the room and give the pop I was looking for. It is definitely firm but putting a nice accent pillow on it helped for me. The pictures dont do justice to how vibrant the chair really is
Nice, but uncomfortable
This chair is really pretty, but is definitely more for decor than use - its quite uncomfortable.
Nice modern look
Its seems super sturdy and high end for the price. The cushion is very hard at first sitting, but it seems like over time it could soften. Perfect for staging a home for a modern look.
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