I was hesitant to buy this bed for my kiddos but Im so happy that I did. I bought two of them and both of them arrived without any damage and were easy to assemble. Will require two for some of the assembly. I highly recommend purchasing this if youre considering it.
My daughter wanted a loft bed for her 10th birthday, after much research, we decided on this one. It was very easy to assemble very sturdy (something that was our 1 priority). She loves it! I definitely recommend it!
My grandson loves this bed because now he can put his desk under it and he has a lot more room in his bedroom. But we did have to buy a different ladder for it the vertical ladder with the tiny tubular steps was ridiculous and especially not safe with just socks on.
This bed is affordable, easy to assemble and works so well In a Small room. We use this for a teenager who weighs nearly 170 pounds and weve had no issues.
Good strong bed
Its fine. The only draw back is there is no opening at the top of the ladder. You have to climb over.
I was hesitant to buy this bed for my kiddos but Im so happy that I did. I bought two of them and both of them arrived without any damage and were easy to assemble. Will require two for some of the assembly. I highly recommend purchasing this if youre considering it.
Great bunk.
This bed is great. Gives good height for the bottom bunker.
Awesome space saver!
I made a king size out of two twins. I have a tiny bedroom but this idea doubled its size!
I LOVE IT THANK YOU !!? Except one of my metal frames for the desk was defective in one screw hole.
Good value for money
So far it seems to be good to a bit to put it together like 2 days all together. But looks great and seems pretty sturdy
Very well made sturdy
My daughter wanted a loft bed for her 10th birthday, after much research, we decided on this one. It was very easy to assemble very sturdy (something that was our 1 priority). She loves it! I definitely recommend it!
Can quickly be put together
Our 18 year old grand daughter put together as teenage boys handed her the parts!
Great but needs different ladder
My grandson loves this bed because now he can put his desk under it and he has a lot more room in his bedroom. But we did have to buy a different ladder for it the vertical ladder with the tiny tubular steps was ridiculous and especially not safe with just socks on.
Worth the money
This bed is affordable, easy to assemble and works so well In a Small room. We use this for a teenager who weighs nearly 170 pounds and weve had no issues.
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