Had a couple small marks on it from shipping but super sturdy would give it five stars but didn’t come with instructions so I had to put it together by the picture on the Internet wasn’t too bad though
Super cute great for toddlers would have gave 5 stars but some pieces were chipped up and holes not screwed in correctly to fit screws in had to drill my own hole to put the ladder on.
Love the look, and height of this bed! It’s perfect for my 3 year old to get up and down off of. I am bummed the bed came with flaws that are on the front side so they are really obvious.
It was great at first and it started to crack apart and break in places. The only ones who slept on it are a 2 yr old and a 5 yr old. Combined weight of 100 pounds maybe.
Great bunk bed however, it needs more slats for the mattresses. You have to use foam mattresses and even those slip down through on the ends- Only area of concern. Other than that it’s been great!! You could make your own slats but that’s annoying to have to do.
Didn’t come with instructions
Had a couple small marks on it from shipping but super sturdy would give it five stars but didn’t come with instructions so I had to put it together by the picture on the Internet wasn’t too bad though
Bunk beds
My grandkids love these bunk beds. Very sturdy!
Would not recommend
Did not come with half the hardware to put it together with nor did it come with instructions on how to put it together. Very disappointing.
For the price this is amazing. Just like most wood products you’ll have to tighten the bolts every now and then but it is amazing.
Wood damage
Super cute great for toddlers would have gave 5 stars but some pieces were chipped up and holes not screwed in correctly to fit screws in had to drill my own hole to put the ladder on.
Bunk beds twin over twin
These are his money worth! very good,sturdy,good priceand easy to assemble;fast delivery too!
Perfect toddler bed
Love the look, and height of this bed! It’s perfect for my 3 year old to get up and down off of. I am bummed the bed came with flaws that are on the front side so they are really obvious.
It was great at first and it started to crack apart and break in places. The only ones who slept on it are a 2 yr old and a 5 yr old. Combined weight of 100 pounds maybe.
Very difficult to put together.
Very time consuming to put together.
Great except Slats
Great bunk bed however, it needs more slats for the mattresses. You have to use foam mattresses and even those slip down through on the ends- Only area of concern. Other than that it’s been great!! You could make your own slats but that’s annoying to have to do.
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