All the parts needed to put the bed together was neatly organized in the box which made it even easier to put together. The height is perfect for my kiddos!
We bought this for our girls room to make more space and it is better than I expected. Its not as tall as I expected, but that worked out in our favor. It took a few hours to put together but its super light and easy to move. Its sturdy and I love the color! Great for small spaces! Dont let the bad reviews fool you; we had all of the pieces and it fit together perfectly. We used regular bed mattresses and they fit perfect.
Delivery was bad . Threw carton in my front yard with bed parts falling out but luckily nothing was damaged. Beds themselves are sturdy and attractive for the price.
I bought this for my 2 year old and 4 year old! I like it because the bottom bunk is basically on the ground so I dont worry about my youngest falling out and the top is easy to reach so you can still tuck them in and everything, plus if they do fall off it from playing it isnt high enough to hurt them too bad. I definitely wouldnt recommend it for older kids because the weight limit is pretty low, but perfect for kids first bunks and turns into separate twin beds.
This product did not come with instructions. So that was annoying. The ones on line used letters and the wood in the kit was marked with numbers, so that was real fun for my husband to figure out. He added some peg board on the bottom over the slats for extra support for the mattresses. There were also a few dings in the wood. But, not worth sending back. Overall, its a nice bunk bed and is sturdy. Our son loves it.
Love it!
All the parts needed to put the bed together was neatly organized in the box which made it even easier to put together. The height is perfect for my kiddos!
Sturdy bed, good price
We bought this for our girls room to make more space and it is better than I expected. Its not as tall as I expected, but that worked out in our favor. It took a few hours to put together but its super light and easy to move. Its sturdy and I love the color! Great for small spaces! Dont let the bad reviews fool you; we had all of the pieces and it fit together perfectly. We used regular bed mattresses and they fit perfect.
Attractive and sturdy and good price
Delivery was bad . Threw carton in my front yard with bed parts falling out but luckily nothing was damaged. Beds themselves are sturdy and attractive for the price.
Pretty nice
I bought this for my 2 year old and 4 year old! I like it because the bottom bunk is basically on the ground so I dont worry about my youngest falling out and the top is easy to reach so you can still tuck them in and everything, plus if they do fall off it from playing it isnt high enough to hurt them too bad. I definitely wouldnt recommend it for older kids because the weight limit is pretty low, but perfect for kids first bunks and turns into separate twin beds.
Worth the money!
Definitely worth the money got it for our toddlers and they love it
Lots of small cosmetic damages
Lots of cosmetic damages but wasn’t not worth the hassle to return/replace. I rather throw it out and get a new set of bunks from a furniture store.
Bunkbed for Grandsons.
I liked that it is not too high off of the ground.
Great bun bed for the price
This product did not come with instructions. So that was annoying. The ones on line used letters and the wood in the kit was marked with numbers, so that was real fun for my husband to figure out. He added some peg board on the bottom over the slats for extra support for the mattresses. There were also a few dings in the wood. But, not worth sending back. Overall, its a nice bunk bed and is sturdy. Our son loves it.
Granddaughters love it
Granddaughters love it daughter said it was so easy to put together
Qaulity Product!!!
Would highly recommend!!!
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