Super easy to assemble, came with all the hanging hardware, my daughter loves it and its actually pretty spacious. Came with a small cushion which will do for now.
My teenage daughter put it up yesterday. We used a stand so there was no assembly required at all. Just hooked it on with the hardware included. She loves it and said she could even sleep in it it was so relaxing. It's too early to say how well it will last but it feels sturdy.
Perfect little additions to our porch for this summer Sturdy and cute. Easy install. I got shorted one screw but I'll survive, haha. Also, something to note.....if you get motion sick, these aren't a great option. If the wind picks up while I'm sitting in these, I do get nauseous. Lol.
I love the swing a lot, but mine came missing the hanging hardware. And not sure if the cushion was supposed to be included but mine didnt come with that either. I messaged the seller. No response. So I had to spend another $ 20 to buy the hanging hardware separate. I wasnt very happy.
Great chair!
Obsessed with this chair!! My daughter loves it! She is 105 lbs, 54 and its perfect! Very sturdy and the included pillow was great!
Love ittt
Very aesthetic
5 stars all the way!
Super easy to assemble, came with all the hanging hardware, my daughter loves it and its actually pretty spacious. Came with a small cushion which will do for now.
Inner Child fun
The cushion is a little small..but very strong and fun
I would buy this again. two of my other children now want one.
My teenage daughter put it up yesterday. We used a stand so there was no assembly required at all. Just hooked it on with the hardware included. She loves it and said she could even sleep in it it was so relaxing. It's too early to say how well it will last but it feels sturdy.
Boho chic
My daughter loves it
Cute and sturdy
Perfect little additions to our porch for this summer Sturdy and cute. Easy install. I got shorted one screw but I'll survive, haha. Also, something to note.....if you get motion sick, these aren't a great option. If the wind picks up while I'm sitting in these, I do get nauseous. Lol.
Cute swing but missing chain and hanging hardware
I love the swing a lot, but mine came missing the hanging hardware. And not sure if the cushion was supposed to be included but mine didnt come with that either. I messaged the seller. No response. So I had to spend another $ 20 to buy the hanging hardware separate. I wasnt very happy.
Great for tween room!!
The chair was delivered late and their was a mix up with shipping, but it came and is super cute! I cant wait to hang it in my daughters room!!
Romance and Comfort!
Works great with our other style of swing chairs...they dont bump into each other. Great for relaxing in the backyard by the firepit.
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