This took 2 people about 2 hours to put together. The directions are all pictures so once you figure that out it was easy. Very sturdy very good quality wood.
Although this bed is very nice and the instructions are incredible we severely underestimated how long it would take us to put it together. We thought it would take 2 hours tops. More like 6. But it was well worth it as our daughter loves it.
Definitely was a project to assemble, but the kids love it! Pretty sturdy-although my husband and I would never go on the top bunk! Good value for the purchase price!
We love the bed we received, but we didnt receive the bed we ordered and paid for. So, we had to go through the customer service and get refunds for the difference etc. It was disappointing to not receive the loft with stairs, when in fact that is what we ordered. They sent the one with the ladder. On verification, we had ordered the one with the stairs, as intended. Rather than go through, what would have been a ridiculous exchange, and then wait for the right bed, we kept the one we were sent. It is a long process to put together. While it is sturdy-ish, there is a slight shake to the bed and I am unsure how to make it more steady. It is an amazing addition to our kids room. It does create space and will work for awhile. Is it worth ordering, quite possibly. It has the best weight restriction for the bed of its type in this price range. Its decent value for what you pay. Considering that you can pay upwards of 2000.00 for other mid loft beds, I would say if you are looking for a good budget buy that seems safe and sturdy enough for a young child, this is probably the bed for you.
While the bed is sturdy, fairly easy to put together - I did so alone. Im annoyed at the fact that one piece came damaged, and later learned that I needed 37 screws for the bed plus 8 others and they sent me 8 total. Highly annoying. Had to run to the hardware store.
Otherwise overall took me about 3 hours alone to put the bed together
Great piece for the money. Seems very sturdy, I can climb in and out without issues, but I am not really that heavy. So far, so good, finish is nice as well. (Oh, had one bad bolt, and had to get one from manufacturer. While it wasnt a long wait, nor important as I just left one less significant bolt out until the replacement arrived. BUT they did put me through it on the website, after I sent email, but I think that is just poor planning and execution online.
This is my 5 year old sons first big boy bed. (He was in a toddler bed.) My dad and I put it together, and it went pretty smoothly. My son can be a little rough, but the bed feels really sturdy. I dont care for the low clearance underneath, however, I purchased risers at the time that I purchased the bed, and that definitely helps. Would recommend.
I am very happy with this purchase! It was a Christmas gift for my 3yo as she transitioned to a big girl bed. It was super easy to assemble alone (with small child underfoot and being 34 weeks pregnant to boot!). The instructions are very clear, but I recommend separating and labeling the hardware because even though the instructions have which to use clearly labeled, some are smaller/bigger versions of the same thing and you dont want to waste time figuring it out in the middle of the build.
Though the wood it solid, the frame is a bit wobbly so I made some small customizations. Lastly, the wood smell is pretty strong so next time I would let it air out in my garage a couple days.
Sturdy good quality
This took 2 people about 2 hours to put together. The directions are all pictures so once you figure that out it was easy. Very sturdy very good quality wood.
It took HOURS
Although this bed is very nice and the instructions are incredible we severely underestimated how long it would take us to put it together. We thought it would take 2 hours tops. More like 6. But it was well worth it as our daughter loves it.
Kids love it!
Definitely was a project to assemble, but the kids love it! Pretty sturdy-although my husband and I would never go on the top bunk! Good value for the purchase price!
Didnt receive correct product, but....
We love the bed we received, but we didnt receive the bed we ordered and paid for. So, we had to go through the customer service and get refunds for the difference etc. It was disappointing to not receive the loft with stairs, when in fact that is what we ordered. They sent the one with the ladder. On verification, we had ordered the one with the stairs, as intended. Rather than go through, what would have been a ridiculous exchange, and then wait for the right bed, we kept the one we were sent. It is a long process to put together. While it is sturdy-ish, there is a slight shake to the bed and I am unsure how to make it more steady. It is an amazing addition to our kids room. It does create space and will work for awhile. Is it worth ordering, quite possibly. It has the best weight restriction for the bed of its type in this price range. Its decent value for what you pay. Considering that you can pay upwards of 2000.00 for other mid loft beds, I would say if you are looking for a good budget buy that seems safe and sturdy enough for a young child, this is probably the bed for you.
Missing parts are annoying
While the bed is sturdy, fairly easy to put together - I did so alone. Im annoyed at the fact that one piece came damaged, and later learned that I needed 37 screws for the bed plus 8 others and they sent me 8 total. Highly annoying. Had to run to the hardware store. Otherwise overall took me about 3 hours alone to put the bed together
Very sturdy and great value!
Great piece for the money. Seems very sturdy, I can climb in and out without issues, but I am not really that heavy. So far, so good, finish is nice as well. (Oh, had one bad bolt, and had to get one from manufacturer. While it wasnt a long wait, nor important as I just left one less significant bolt out until the replacement arrived. BUT they did put me through it on the website, after I sent email, but I think that is just poor planning and execution online.
Great Bed
This is my 5 year old sons first big boy bed. (He was in a toddler bed.) My dad and I put it together, and it went pretty smoothly. My son can be a little rough, but the bed feels really sturdy. I dont care for the low clearance underneath, however, I purchased risers at the time that I purchased the bed, and that definitely helps. Would recommend.
Sturdy construction.
I like its construction and the weight capacity.
Super Space Saver
I am very happy with this purchase! It was a Christmas gift for my 3yo as she transitioned to a big girl bed. It was super easy to assemble alone (with small child underfoot and being 34 weeks pregnant to boot!). The instructions are very clear, but I recommend separating and labeling the hardware because even though the instructions have which to use clearly labeled, some are smaller/bigger versions of the same thing and you dont want to waste time figuring it out in the middle of the build. Though the wood it solid, the frame is a bit wobbly so I made some small customizations. Lastly, the wood smell is pretty strong so next time I would let it air out in my garage a couple days.
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