This is a very cute stool but it's very lightweight and cheaply made. The foam/padding flattens all the way down when I rest my feet on the edge. Maybe worth $15 but not $23. Will keep it because it's cute.
I got this footstool for my toodler kid to sit down and wear her shoes. Works great for her. Not for adults to sit.
It was easy to put together, just had to screw in the four foot stands. It comes with foam stickers to save the floor from scratches.
I bought one USED, was in good condition, no issues. Basically, you get what you pay for, thus a 5 star review. It is small (pay attention to the measurements), but it is what I needed exactly. It is hard, again as I expected, but looks very nice . You'll need maybe a little extra padding, easy to add some extra foam and re-upholster using the same fabric cover or even some other color fabric you want to use; just staple to the undercarriage - easy! For me, I needed a tiny ottoman - this is it! Exactly as expected.
Slightly smaller than expected. And I didn't appreciate the large amount of tape on the box I had to cut the box open and there was no protection from box to seat cushion. I was very gentle and still managed to slightly cut the top of the seat.... be careful when opening
Cheaply made.
This is a very cute stool but it's very lightweight and cheaply made. The foam/padding flattens all the way down when I rest my feet on the edge. Maybe worth $15 but not $23. Will keep it because it's cute.
Really tiny, good for kids to sit
I got this footstool for my toodler kid to sit down and wear her shoes. Works great for her. Not for adults to sit. It was easy to put together, just had to screw in the four foot stands. It comes with foam stickers to save the floor from scratches.
Too small for my needs
I returned. It was too small
Arrived Without Legs
Box fit the cushion perfectly as if legs were not intended. Returning.
Its adorable!
Such a great footstool, lightweight but sturdy. I am using it for my dog to get on the bed as its too high for him to jump. Highly recommend it.
We love it!
This is good for my small breed dog. I don't know why dog step is so expensive and ugly. This is very stylish and affordable.
small, cute, functional
I bought one USED, was in good condition, no issues. Basically, you get what you pay for, thus a 5 star review. It is small (pay attention to the measurements), but it is what I needed exactly. It is hard, again as I expected, but looks very nice . You'll need maybe a little extra padding, easy to add some extra foam and re-upholster using the same fabric cover or even some other color fabric you want to use; just staple to the undercarriage - easy! For me, I needed a tiny ottoman - this is it! Exactly as expected.
Good for when I need to rest my feet if they are swollen
Be careful when opening with anything sharp no protection between item and box
Slightly smaller than expected. And I didn't appreciate the large amount of tape on the box I had to cut the box open and there was no protection from box to seat cushion. I was very gentle and still managed to slightly cut the top of the seat.... be careful when opening
perfect height/ feels good
perfect height and feels good on my feet.
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