This is super sturdy for my 6 and 5 year old. It did take quite a long time to assemble but it was worth it. Also the directions are pretty straight forward. Such a great deal.
We received this product and were so excited!!! One big box arrived. We took down all the kids beds to set this up instead and lo and behold there was no hardware and no directions. And missing pieces!! Turns out this comes in two separate boxes at different times. Our second box came at 8pm. We were so relieved!! It was straight forward to put together at long as you are observant and careful. If you assume you know which direction a piece goes without checking for distinguishing marks you will be in trouble. I was worried it would be rickety. It is very sturdy. I am a worrier so I wish the top rail on the top bunk read higher. But my husband assures me it is fine.
Very happy. Time will tell if we have to re/tighten screws on a regular basis.
Great deal
This is super sturdy for my 6 and 5 year old. It did take quite a long time to assemble but it was worth it. Also the directions are pretty straight forward. Such a great deal.
Nice bed
Nice bed but it took me long time to install
Missing part
did not come with instruction or nails/screws. How am I gonna assemble it?
Great value
Took a couple hours to put together. Looks great. Great quality.
Its good
My kids like it
Its worth it.
Directions were spot on. It looks good and is sturdy. Great value.
It comes in two boxes!! And is very sturdy.
We received this product and were so excited!!! One big box arrived. We took down all the kids beds to set this up instead and lo and behold there was no hardware and no directions. And missing pieces!! Turns out this comes in two separate boxes at different times. Our second box came at 8pm. We were so relieved!! It was straight forward to put together at long as you are observant and careful. If you assume you know which direction a piece goes without checking for distinguishing marks you will be in trouble. I was worried it would be rickety. It is very sturdy. I am a worrier so I wish the top rail on the top bunk read higher. But my husband assures me it is fine. Very happy. Time will tell if we have to re/tighten screws on a regular basis.
Excellent price and sturdiness
Great price and great bed. Little tricky on assembly but just pay close attention. Took 3/4hrs
I like it
Assembly would be a five if both boxes came at the same time
Good purchase
Great bed for the price. Looks nice, was missing one screw in the packaging but overall great buy.
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