good color. easy to put together. great for a low price vanity chair. soft fabric. so far durable. definitely a good price for a cute stool. no issues or complaints thus far.
Overall the chair is nice. My only negative is that I couldnt put all of the screws in because the holes did not line up properly. Its still pretty sturdy despite only having 2/3 of the screws lol
I purchased this stool for the vanity that I built under my daughter's loft bed. I was able to sit on the stool so I knew it would be extremely safe for her. It matched our new room color perfectly. I did ding this product because some of the predrilled holes in the seat did not line up with the legs.
It was the perfect height for my desk and matched my room perfectly. The assembly was super easy - took 5 mins and came with took to use. Its super comfortable too! Very good for the price. Comes with extra screws and extra black tabs for bottoms of legs so it doesnt scratch floors.
It's exactly as it should be. Solid, as pictured, easy to assemble. If you could call it a complaint, I would say the padding is really thin - maybe about 1/2. But it's a stool and not designed for long term sitting.
I am using this as a quick stool to sit on in my business partners office. So often I run in there for quick zoom calls, but dragging a chair to her side of the desk for calls under 1 hour is just silly. I put this stool under her desk and now I grab it for calls and push it back when I'm finished. It's incredibly solid and looks great!
Yes, it has 3 legs, so yes, you won't want to lean or quickly/randomly shift your center of gravity. I see other reviews complain of this, but it's just not an issue with light use for sitting. It's basic physics and logic.
great for price
good color. easy to put together. great for a low price vanity chair. soft fabric. so far durable. definitely a good price for a cute stool. no issues or complaints thus far.
Assembly Issues
Overall the chair is nice. My only negative is that I couldnt put all of the screws in because the holes did not line up properly. Its still pretty sturdy despite only having 2/3 of the screws lol
Easy assemble
Its really beautiful and looks way more expensive then it really is lol
Good purchase and use it when getting ready for the day. I love it.
Love it and is exactly what I imagined from the pics.
So far so good.
It's a beautiful stool
Too cute
I purchased this stool for the vanity that I built under my daughter's loft bed. I was able to sit on the stool so I knew it would be extremely safe for her. It matched our new room color perfectly. I did ding this product because some of the predrilled holes in the seat did not line up with the legs.
Sturdy and a good price
Very sturdy and stylish. Fits under the bathroom counter cut out
Pretty little things
It's my daughters but she loves it.
Perfect style and color I was looking for!
It was the perfect height for my desk and matched my room perfectly. The assembly was super easy - took 5 mins and came with took to use. Its super comfortable too! Very good for the price. Comes with extra screws and extra black tabs for bottoms of legs so it doesnt scratch floors.
Well made, solid, not much padding for your butt
It's exactly as it should be. Solid, as pictured, easy to assemble. If you could call it a complaint, I would say the padding is really thin - maybe about 1/2. But it's a stool and not designed for long term sitting. I am using this as a quick stool to sit on in my business partners office. So often I run in there for quick zoom calls, but dragging a chair to her side of the desk for calls under 1 hour is just silly. I put this stool under her desk and now I grab it for calls and push it back when I'm finished. It's incredibly solid and looks great! Yes, it has 3 legs, so yes, you won't want to lean or quickly/randomly shift your center of gravity. I see other reviews complain of this, but it's just not an issue with light use for sitting. It's basic physics and logic.
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