Its a cute footrest, a bit small but for the low price that should be expected. . It could be a bit more cushiony but then itd be hard to use it as a coffee table. Overall, its fair quality and quite sturdy.
size and appearance are as advertised, and assembly is as easy as screwing in 4 legs. The lid closed securely with no gaps, and is sturdy AF. Thinking about getting a second one!
Exactly what I was looking for and very reasonably priced! Seems to be sturdy enough. I'm 6'1 and 260 lbs and it handles my weight without a groan or creak. I haven't piledriven anyone on it but more than sturdy enough for everyday non violent use.
The ottoman was well packaged and easy to assemble - just had to screw on the legs. The top opens and closes nicely. Good amount of storage. Looks very nice and provides a good surface as a coffee table. I would definitely recommend this to others.
Beautiful Ottoman and addition to my home. Very sturdy product and easy to put together, literally you just have to put the legs on. Nice storage on the inside to place books, blankets, or pillows.
Nice ottomon
I love it have had no problems
Nice piece for the price
Easy to assemble; works for the space
Fair quality.
Its a cute footrest, a bit small but for the low price that should be expected. . It could be a bit more cushiony but then itd be hard to use it as a coffee table. Overall, its fair quality and quite sturdy.
Well made
Perfect size and plenty of storage space. Well made
A tiny bit smaller than expected but still a great size
Love it. Matches perfectly with my furniture
Exactly what I wanted
size and appearance are as advertised, and assembly is as easy as screwing in 4 legs. The lid closed securely with no gaps, and is sturdy AF. Thinking about getting a second one!
Highly recommend
Exactly what I was looking for and very reasonably priced! Seems to be sturdy enough. I'm 6'1 and 260 lbs and it handles my weight without a groan or creak. I haven't piledriven anyone on it but more than sturdy enough for everyday non violent use.
Great price. Looks beautiful.
I love everything about this product. It looks amazing in our living room and for the price it's a steal! I love that it also has storage.
Looks and works great
The ottoman was well packaged and easy to assemble - just had to screw on the legs. The top opens and closes nicely. Good amount of storage. Looks very nice and provides a good surface as a coffee table. I would definitely recommend this to others.
Beautiful Ottoman
Beautiful Ottoman and addition to my home. Very sturdy product and easy to put together, literally you just have to put the legs on. Nice storage on the inside to place books, blankets, or pillows.
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