We just moved to a new home and upgraded our preschooler bed. He insisted on sleeping in this loft bed since the first night, we had to use his toddler mattress though. Quality is decent, no the best, but it should last a few years.
Once parts are separated and matched up it's easy to assemble. Several of the shelf boards were damaged, but it's sturdy after constructed and will work as he grows up too I think....
Ordered this bed for my kid's 11th birthday. She loves it. It's a beautiful color and is a great size. Plenty of room in the desk area. There is some minor cosmetic damage, but after assembly these minor damages are not too visible. Seller is willing to issue a partful refund for the damage. We are fairly pleased with customer service and overall product.
Really good value
We just moved to a new home and upgraded our preschooler bed. He insisted on sleeping in this loft bed since the first night, we had to use his toddler mattress though. Quality is decent, no the best, but it should last a few years.
Not as pictured
It took multiple hours to put this together. Once everything got out together, overall the bed seems sturdy and we will keep it.
Very Good product
Great product I recommend it to anyone
just so-so
The table top for the desk is uneven. Some of the holes weren't pre-drilled correctly.
Nice loft bed
It's a nice bed. Desk could be nicer.
solid teen bed
It is solid enough. Liked the color to go with all room decors. Nephew loved the bed however. work with his gaming station and school work.
Cute compacted sturdy loft bed
My daughter LOVES this bed , I like the large desk space. Took 4ish hours to put together with two people and came with all the pieces/tools needed.
Easy to assemble but damaged
Once parts are separated and matched up it's easy to assemble. Several of the shelf boards were damaged, but it's sturdy after constructed and will work as he grows up too I think....
Perfect for a Pre teen / teenager
Ordered this bed for my kid's 11th birthday. She loves it. It's a beautiful color and is a great size. Plenty of room in the desk area. There is some minor cosmetic damage, but after assembly these minor damages are not too visible. Seller is willing to issue a partful refund for the damage. We are fairly pleased with customer service and overall product.
My preteen loved this setup
My preteen loved the bed ! Wasn't to hard to set up some of the wholes didn't line up easily
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