Great quality. My son loves this. It was a beast to assemble though. But it was easy to assemble with two person. Instruction was clear. The product is solid. My wife dismantled it and carried to another room and it works. Normally, those sort of DIY products’ joints or wooden parts are waered after disassemble. Great buy! My kid loved it. Recommended!
It didn’t take my husband long at all to put it together. He said that it wasn’t complicated at all. Read the direction through before starting. I even suggested this bed to a friend for her grandchildren.Definitely will purchase again for my younger 2
It was not too bad assembling. If you're handy and can follow picture directions. Two people would make it easier and go faster. The bed is really sturdy so far. It comes with everything you need to assemble it and the exact number of hardware needed.It's easy to assemble and the instructions are so clear and easy to understand. so fun, super cute and sooo sturdy.
maybe the screws just all need to be tightened a little more but I think it’s a bit rickety. Perfect size for my daughter who is 5. Great price and great product. Very easy to put together as well.
My daughters love this bed! They are having so much fun with it. I shopped around for a bunk with a slide for months. And this one is by far the best value.The seller communicated with me about shipping. Was a good shopping experience.
Great bed, I don’t have to worry about the toddler rolling off the bottom bunk and getting hurt, Had an issue but the seller was very responsive and quick to correct it. Definitely recommend.
I bought this for my son to make more room in his bedroom and it works beautifully. was a little confusing when assembling but was still pretty easy. very sturdy and amazing value for the cost!
Very happy with this purchase. The wood and details are solid. I feel very safe having my kids on this bed. The instructions are fairly easy to follow. The hardware could be labeled with an easier numbering system. I recommend these to anyone looking for more space and able to use the crawl space for fun or storage.Would've been a pain to put together if I didn't have a drill though! But it's super great!
Purchased this bed for my 9 year old girl. She absolutely loves it. Took about an hour and a half to put together. The quality and sturdiness are excellent. The directions are easy to read, but it did require a second set of hands on a few parts.I love this bed! It's very sturdy!
Took 3 hours to assemble. As long as you lay everything out and sort all the hardware into bowls its a relatively smooth process. Just time consuming even with two people. Overall very satisfied. Kids think its the coolest.Got this for my 8yr old autistic son so he can have a hideout when he needs his space. Very satisfied
Great product
Great quality. My son loves this. It was a beast to assemble though. But it was easy to assemble with two person. Instruction was clear. The product is solid. My wife dismantled it and carried to another room and it works. Normally, those sort of DIY products’ joints or wooden parts are waered after disassemble. Great buy! My kid loved it. Recommended!
Fun Kid Bunkbed
It didn’t take my husband long at all to put it together. He said that it wasn’t complicated at all. Read the direction through before starting. I even suggested this bed to a friend for her grandchildren.Definitely will purchase again for my younger 2
Great price for a great product
It was not too bad assembling. If you're handy and can follow picture directions. Two people would make it easier and go faster. The bed is really sturdy so far. It comes with everything you need to assemble it and the exact number of hardware needed.It's easy to assemble and the instructions are so clear and easy to understand. so fun, super cute and sooo sturdy.
maybe the screws just all need to be tightened a little more but I think it’s a bit rickety. Perfect size for my daughter who is 5. Great price and great product. Very easy to put together as well.
Great value
My daughters love this bed! They are having so much fun with it. I shopped around for a bunk with a slide for months. And this one is by far the best value.The seller communicated with me about shipping. Was a good shopping experience.
Good seller
Great bed, I don’t have to worry about the toddler rolling off the bottom bunk and getting hurt, Had an issue but the seller was very responsive and quick to correct it. Definitely recommend.
Very sturdy for the price!
I bought this for my son to make more room in his bedroom and it works beautifully. was a little confusing when assembling but was still pretty easy. very sturdy and amazing value for the cost!
Very sturdy!
Very happy with this purchase. The wood and details are solid. I feel very safe having my kids on this bed. The instructions are fairly easy to follow. The hardware could be labeled with an easier numbering system. I recommend these to anyone looking for more space and able to use the crawl space for fun or storage.Would've been a pain to put together if I didn't have a drill though! But it's super great!
Great quality bed for a great price
Purchased this bed for my 9 year old girl. She absolutely loves it. Took about an hour and a half to put together. The quality and sturdiness are excellent. The directions are easy to read, but it did require a second set of hands on a few parts.I love this bed! It's very sturdy!
Lengthy assembly but pretty happy with it
Took 3 hours to assemble. As long as you lay everything out and sort all the hardware into bowls its a relatively smooth process. Just time consuming even with two people. Overall very satisfied. Kids think its the coolest.Got this for my 8yr old autistic son so he can have a hideout when he needs his space. Very satisfied
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